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Jim, I apologize in advance for this message not being about purchasing your boat. My son and have a 1989 31 whaler w/250 cummins, has wing tanks,tower etc. We purchased as a project boat and have been fixing ourselves. We have extensive mechanical ability and have owned several boats. We are having an issue that we are a little stumped on. We have taken the boat out several times and it has performed well. It is under powered but we really don't mind. On several occasions we would go out with full fuel,5 people and boat would plane ok and get up to wot ok. Then we pull back to 2200 rpm cruise about 19-20. However recently we would go out ok then fish for a while,start boat to move and get maybe 13 knots tops with black smoke. Yesterday we had full tank of fuel with 5 people and got 9 knots and boat would'nt get on plane at all. Again black smoke. Recent repairs we did when we purchased the boat were. Injector pumps rebuilt, alternators rebuilt, new batteries,switches,fuel shutoff solenoids, new aftercoolers thinking they were clogged, Turbo boost is low but don't know if that is from props or ? We have done other items but just checking with a same boat owner to see if you have had any of these issues. Previous owner said props are 23 x 21 reconditioned 2 years ago. Boat is very fast at low idle in calm water which made us think propped too high but whaler says our "heavy boat" is correct with 23 x 21 prop. We are leaning towards turbos but just looking for ideas. Thanks again for your time..Dave Lovejoy