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Visit classifieds board Store phonephonephonephonephonephonephonephonephonephone061of61 Full size photosVideo Full size photosVideo 2013 Hurricane Sun Deck Sport 220 w/Yamaha 200 4-Stroke SUPER CLEAN/WATER READY!
Stock #: 89D313
Exterior Color: Yellow
Interior Color: White
Body Type: Boats & Watercraft
Fuel Type: Gasoline
Engine: Yamaha 200 4-Stroke
Mileage: 0 2013 Hurricane Sun Deck Sport 220 - WATER READY!!! 22 Foot Sun Deck Fun Boat Yamaha 200 4-Stroke Outboard Engine w/ Low Hours GARMIN GPS/INFO CENTER (Connected to the Engine) Gas Gauge/Voltmeter GPH Gauge Sony AM/FM/CD/AUX Marine Radio with Bluetooth Helm Station Radio Remote Uniden Long-Range Marine Radio 4 Fusion Speakers (New) Two Marine Deep Cycle Batteries (New) 20AMP: 10AMP PER BATTERY DUAL BANK CHARGER (NEW) Shore Power 110V INLET CHARGING TERMINAL (NEW) All New Switches Horn (New) Docking Lights (New Bulbs) Stern Light (New) Large Folding Bimini Top Live Well w/raw water fill and drain Head with Fresh Water Sink with removable toilet (New) Deck Counter with Fresh Water Sink Deck Table and Stand Two Front Chair Stands (No Chairs) Bottom Paint New Trim Pump Installed New Bilge Pump & Float Switch\ Stainless Steel Propeller Fresh Oil Change and Service LOTS of STORAGE ALL OVER Freshly Detailed, Compounded and Waxed! Sale includes all USCG required onboard items and all items listed below (All New $$$): -12 Life Jackets -Throw-able Safety Device -Flare Kit -Whistle & Handheld Air-horn -Fire Extinguisher -4 Black Dock Lines -2 Fenders w/Fender Lines -Waterproof Carrying Case/Box -New Anchor & Chain plus 150' of Line (All New), (15' of chain and the anchor line is marked at 30', 45', & 60' for convenience. Sale includes a nice 2017 Tandem Axel trailer with Brakes. Sale includes two boat stern trailer tie-downs. *This boat was just serviced and is water ready today! Call/Text for a showing by our USGC Licensed Captain! *IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A WATER READY DECK BOAT - THIS IS THE ONE! ALL ITEMS LISTED ABOVE INCLUDED. YOU CAN LITERALLY PURCHASE THIS BOAT AND GO STRAIGHT TO THE WATER SAME DAY & WE WILL HELP GET YOU THERE! ***SEE LIVE VIDEO OF THIS VESSEL: dxuKOfNdUkg CALL/TEXT phone DELIVERY IS AVAILABLE TO YOUR DOORSTEP AT WHOLESALE COST RATES! Please call/text for a quote! If you would like additional pictures, videos, or to schedule a video conference with this vessel please CALL/TEXT right away and we will set that up. We are located in POMPANO BEACH, SOUTH FLORIDA, USA! We cater to out of state buyers, call/text us now to find out how easy the online buying process is! Motorsport Dynamics International, LLC. offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant any aspect(s) of the condition of the vessel. All buyers are advised to seek the advice of a qualified surveyor(s) to investigate the condition of the subject vessel. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice.Warranty: This vessel is being sold as is, where is with no warranty, expressed written or implied.
Vehicle Description 2013 Hurricane Sun Deck Sport 220 - WATER READY!!! 22 Foot Sun Deck Fun Boat Yamaha 200 4-Stroke Outboard Engine w/ Low Hours GARMIN GPS/INFO CENTER (Connected to the Engine) Gas Gauge/Voltmeter GPH Gauge Sony AM/FM/CD/AUX Marine Radio with Bluetooth Helm Station Radio Remote Uniden Long-Range Marine Radio 4 Fusion Speakers (New) Two Marine Deep Cycle Batteries (New) 20AMP: 10AMP PER BATTERY DUAL BANK CHARGER (NEW) Shore Power 110V INLET CHARGING TERMINAL (NEW) All New Switches Horn (New) Docking Lights (New Bulbs) Stern Light (New) Large Folding Bimini Top Live Well w/raw water fill and drain Head with Fresh Water Sink with removable toilet (New) Deck Counter with Fresh Water Sink Deck Table and Stand Two Front Chair Stands (No Chairs) Bottom Paint New Trim Pump Installed New Bilge Pump & Float Switch\ Stainless Steel Propeller Fresh Oil Change and Service LOTS of STORAGE ALL OVER Freshly Detailed, Compounded and Waxed! Sale includes all USCG required onboard items and all items listed below (All New $$$): -12 Life Jackets -Throw-able Safety Device -Flare Kit -Whistle & Handheld Air-horn -Fire Extinguisher -4 Black Dock Lines -2 Fenders w/Fender Lines -Waterproof Carrying Case/Box -New Anchor & Chain plus 150' of Line (All New), (15' of chain and the anchor line is marked at 30', 45', & 60' for convenience. Sale includes a nice 2017 Tandem Axel trailer with Brakes. Sale includes two boat stern trailer tie-downs. *This boat was just serviced and is water ready today! Call/Text for a showing by our USGC Licensed Captain! *IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A WATER READY DECK BOAT - THIS IS THE ONE! ALL ITEMS LISTED ABOVE INCLUDED. YOU CAN LITERALLY PURCHASE THIS BOAT AND GO STRAIGHT TO THE WATER SAME DAY & WE WILL HELP GET YOU THERE! ***SEE LIVE VIDEO OF THIS VESSEL: dxuKOfNdUkg CALL/TEXT phone DELIVERY IS AVAILABLE TO YOUR DOORSTEP AT WHOLESALE COST RATES! Please call/text for a quote! If you would like additional pictures, videos, or to schedule a video conference with this vessel please CALL/TEXT right away and we will set that up. We are located in POMPANO BEACH, SOUTH FLORIDA, USA! We cater to out of state buyers, call/text us now to find out how easy the online buying process is! Motorsport Dynamics International, LLC. offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant any aspect(s) of the condition of the vessel. All buyers are advised to seek the advice of a qualified surveyor(s) to investigate the condition of the subject vessel. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice.Warranty: This vessel is being sold as is, where is with no warranty, expressed written or implied. Vehicle Warranty
This vehicle is being sold as is, where is with no warranty, expressed written or implied. The seller shall not be responsible for the correct description, authenticity, genuineness, or defects herein, and makes no warranty in connection therewith. No allowance or set aside will be made on account of any incorrectness, imperfection, defect or damage. Any descriptions or representations are for identification purposes only and are not to be construed as a warranty of any type. It is the responsibility of the buyer to have thoroughly inspected the vehicle, and to have satisfied himself or herself as to the condition and value and to bid based upon that judgement solely. The seller shall and will make every reasonable effort to disclose any known defects associated with this vehicle at the buyer's request prior to the close of sale. Seller assumes no responsibility for any repairs regardless of any oral statements about the vehicle.
About Motorsport Dynamics International
Motorsport Dynamics International is your premier source for online delivery of your next vehicle! With 90% or more of our sales conducted online and out of state, we have streamlined the buying process making it a breeze to work with us from the comfort of your home, wherever you are! Please feel free to browse our inventory and give us a call! We will discuss any of our vehicles with you in depth and review the online or out of state buying process with you. We have been selling online for years and understand the criteria and time nessecary to satisfy your online purchase. Please allow us to earn your business.
We are a dealership offering high quality pre-owned vehicles. We specialize in sourcing hard to find vehicles and have excellent resources available for obtaining them. That said, we are known to have quite a unique and special inventory. Many of our vehicles show a one owner history with a clean history report. In addition, our vehicle locating strategy allows us to find not only the finest examples, but examples that are more desirable and rare.
We offer local, domestic, and international transport/shipping of your automobile, boat, cycle, or trailer. We also offer boat delivery via water by licensed captain. We understand completely what the concerns are when shipping precious cargo. We have the best relationships with some of the most trusted transporters in the industry. In many cases, we are able to satisfy customer requests with same day confirmation and pickup for automotive or marine sales and service.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with great service!
Contact us for more detailsphonephone Terms and Conditions Payment Options We accept the following payment methods:
- Cashier's Check/money order- Personal check (once cleared)
Vehicle Pickup & Shipping All shipping charges are buyer's responsibility.
Finance, Warranty, Shipping question? Call the dealer at phone General Terms
Winning bidder must contact us within 24 hours of auction end, and make arrangements for payment at that time. Full payment is due within 3 days of end of auction. If no contact is made within 24 hours we reserve the right to re-list the vehicle, sell it to the next high bidder, or sell it otherwise. Most banks and credit unions do not finance vehicles older than 1995 or with more than 100K miles. Make sure if financing that your financial institution accepts the year and miles of this vehicle before bidding. Please arrange financing prior to bidding.
If you are not sure about something, please ask! Do not assume anything not listed is included. We reserve the right to cancel bids for excessive negative feedback. We reserve the right to end the listing if the vehicle is no longer available for sale. Please do not bid on this auction unless you are serious about owning this vehicle. All non-paying high bidders will be reported to classifieds board, and negative feedback will be posted.
Buyer is responsible for pickup or shipping of this vehicle. We can assist you with shipping at wholesale cost. Please ask! If you wish to have it shipped using a service, we will gladly cooperate. You can locate shippers by doing a search for `auto shippers`.
Fees and Taxes
Disclaimer: This auction is a legally binding contract to buy this vehicle. All vehicles are sold as-is unless othewise specified. All vehicles may be advertised and/or listed for sale in multiple areas and auctions throughout the world. We reserve the right to cancel a sale at any time. I have done my best to accurately describe this vehicle. It is up to the buyer to come see and further inspect the car before the end of the auction. VENUE OF SALE IS BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA.
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