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Hello. I'm selling a small piece of property and it had a 1960's era Glastron V142 hull on it that I just had to move to a friend's property to complete the sale of my property (it was there when I bought the property). It is an intact hull but was very overgrown - no windshield, engine, interior, steering, etc. My friend has been a great to me over the years and needs a new lake boat. He is headed to Mexico for 4 months over the Winter. I'd like to do a stealthy boat swap while he is gone as a surprise. The problem is that I'm in Washington State and you are in Missouri. I see you are able to deliver within a 400 mile radius. Feel like going further? We could find a trailer for my hull and send you home with another restoration project if you wanted. I don't think I could do a buck a mile at that distance though. Maybe you know of a hauling service?