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Hello...l was the builder/designer of the original HydroMite in Hollywood, FL. The first design was by Don Best in Elgin, Illinois which he moved to Hollywood in 1962. We built about 40 boats used for rental at several Miami Beach hotels. We experimented with several engines and !ocations (mid and rear). The original boat was a modified twin hull bottom which we flattened because of cavitation. The engine was a 5hp OMC block and a lower unit with shortened shaft. The rear engine version with a 10hp block and lower unit proved to be very quick and quirky. Steering was by cable and rudder as the lower unit was ridgidly fastened in the hull. We also developed a side'by side two seated with a small Berkly jet pump. A snowmobile engine provided the thrust but it was too slow so we installed a 15hp OMC block with the same type of drive and steering...much faster and more fun. I left because Don could not get enough financial backing to continue building and R&D. I think Bombardier got wind of the boat and may have convinced Don to sell the rights...I just assuming!