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My credit was injured nearly as badly as my solid name by my ex Mother in-law. I live in Houston TX & I know boats for 40yrs. I'm going on 43yrs now. I gave my ex $100,000.00's for my kids, maintane more than half a million should something happen to me. I send them thousands a month and in addition to that I have funds that will continue pouring in, with the addition of their inheritance which will be, 1.5-2.0 million. I fialed bankruptcy due to also paying for two separate and most expensive law firms in Houston. (Never higher the best to sue yourself (hired by the wife) when your equally qualified team can burn down the opposing team. Bottom line is that I paid for all of it and I was completely blindsided by the affaire. As I mentioned, I don't live in Florida but my Aunt Anne Ouellette & Uncle Brady Elliott. Sometimes reality & family better explains who we are.