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Love the write up. I'm looking for something my wife and I can live on for an extended periods as we sail around SE Asia. Don't plan or want to go on major ocean voyages, just island hopping. From what you've said it sounds perfectly capable. It's docked on lake Ray Hubbard now? Do you have any idea what it would cost to tow down to say Beaumont I guess would be the nearest ocean portage and then sail it to Vietnam? I know it's a ridiculous question, better to find a boat in the SE Asia. I'm comfortable dealing with folks here in the US. Not so much in SE Asia. So while I believe intuitively that it's impractical and adds significant expense and a massive amount of effort just to get the boat to my home port in Vietnam, I don't have any empirical data to support it what my gut is telling me. One way to get that data is to figure it out, leg by leg of it's journey. What does it cost to fill the fuel tanks and how far can I conservatively expect to travel? Assuming it's even possible to plot a course across the pacific that doesn't require to exceed the boats cruising distance etc... Once I finally arrive at my home port, what maintenance would likely be needed to ready the boat for it's next journey with my wife aboard? Same question, but from a different perspective, what in your experience are the primary maintenance issues on a monthly/quarterly/yearly basis. Further, if I'm not asking the right questions, what are the right questions.
I've requested an excessive amount of your time just to read this assuming you're still with me. I have a deep respect for peoples time. Yes, what I'm talking about is completely foreign to me. I was in the US Nave over 35 years ago, so I know enough to know what I don't know. Maybe you can just point me to a good source of information?
Thank you in advance.
Chris Emery