Add new question to the seller


Im hoping you recieve this message even though the boat has been sold. I am looking ad buying it from the guy you sold it to in MI and was wondering if you could verify information on the boat. He claims the boat has 475 hrs which is what your original ad shows so im assuming that has to be a lie, but you never know. Also, he mentioned a number of compnent inside the boat were not working such as the rear engine hatch becuase he "simple could not figure out the way to do it" which is totally fine, i can fix it in 5 minutes, hes asking over $25k which is way over value, but before i spoke back with him, i just wanted to reach out to your in hopes of a reply of what is and isnt correct on the boat.

I apreciate if you can find the time to response, if not, i completely understand, have a great day!
