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2016 Yamaha Marine 242 Limited S Stock #: UJ24770710
Exterior Color: Gray
Interior Color: Gray
Fuel Type: Gas
Engine: Twin 1.8 Liter, High Output
Title Condition: Clear
Vehicle Description
Excellent condition! Just serviced with only 34 hours!Own for as low as 10% down $346 per month with approved credit. Payment is based on 5.99%APR for 240 months credit approval. Other options available. Contact us to apply.Riva Motorsports & Marine of the KeysFinancing Available Trade-Ins WelcomeTHE PINNACLE OF PERFORMANCE AND LUXURY, WATERSPORTS EDITION.Yamaha's flagship 242 Limited S reaches new heights in 2016 with an all-new platform that's more spacious, technologically advanced and more refined than any other 24-foot boat in...history. These craft have been engineered from the ground up with a host of Yamaha-exclusive technologies including Connext, Yamaha Quiet Cruise and Advanced Responsive Handling featuring a patented Articulating Keel.Features may include:Premium TeakStyle Marine-grade CarpetRemovable Dinette Table with Two Pedestals (Mounts at Cockpit & Stern)Bow Filler Inserts for Multiple Seating ConfigurationsHinged Seat CushionsAdjustable Captain's Chair with Flip-up BolsterPassenger-side Captain's ChairUpgraded Upholstery and Interior AppointmentsPortside Entertainment Area with Lockable Glove BoxGlove BoxIntegrated Removable CoolerWalk-through Bow DoorTilt SteeringFlush Mounted Docking LightsFlush Mounted Docking LightsCourtesy Deck LightingDedicated Anchor and Rope LockerBow Reboarding LadderIntegrated Swim PlatformUpholstered Cushioned SeatsUpholstered Cushioned BackrestsAdditional Wet Storage Behind Backrests with 12-volt OutletStainless Steel Telescopic Reboarding LadderDinette Table MountFreshwater Shower
Contact us now at phone for more details! Contact us for more details: phoneCall Dealer Photos Vehicle Warranty
New Vehicles come with a full-factory warranty. Used vehicles may have a remaining-factory warranty, but please contact us for the warranty details specific to this vehicle.
About Riva Motorsports & Marine of the Keys
RIVA Motorsports and Marine of the Keys.
3 locations in Key Largo, Miami, & Pompano Beach to serve you for all your Motorsports & Marine needs. We sell, service, and trad all brands of Boats, Watercrafts, Outboard Engines, Golf Cars, Scooters, ATV's, & Motorcycles. We offer Dockside maintenance, or Valet service for all our brands Offering... Wellcraft, Scarab, Sailfish,Shearwater, Sterling, Blackwood, Bennington, Yamaha, Suzuki, Mercury, Vespa, EZ-GO, and Bad Boy Buggies. Riva Motorsports & Marine of the Keys.. Not just a business.. But a lifestyle!
Contact us now at phone for more details! Contact us for more details: phoneCall Dealer
Terms and Conditions Finance, Warranty, Shipping question? - Call the dealer at phone
Payment Options We accept the following payment methods:
- Cashier's Check/money order- Cash (in person)- Personal check (once cleared)
Vehicle Pickup & Shipping All shipping charges are buyer's responsibility.
General Terms Notice to Bidders: All of the vehicles we list on classifieds board are for sale locally. We reserve the right to end an auction early. All cars are immediately ready for delivery upon sale. Deposit: We require a non-refundable $500 deposit within 48 hours of winning the auction. Please call to make arrangements for payment. Payment Types: Cash in person, Certified Funds, Institutional Financing All sales transactions must be completed within 7 calendar days of auction close. Prices subject to change without notice and do not include Title, License, Registration Fees, State or Local Taxes or Processing Fees, if any. Please contact seller first for vehicle availability. Although every effort is made to present accurate and reliable information, use of this information is voluntary, and should only be deemed reliable after an independent review of its accuracy, completeness, and timeliness. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to verify the existence of options, accessories and the vehicle condition before time of sale. Any and all differences must be addressed prior to time of sale. No expressed or implied warranties, including the availability or condition of the equipment listed is made. EPA mileage estimates for comparison purposes only. Actual mileage may vary depending on driving conditions, driving habits, and vehicle maintenance.
Fees and Taxes
Sales tax, title, license fee, registration fee, dealer documentary fee, finance charges, and compliance fees are additional to the advertised price. Vehicle is listed locally, we reserve the right to end the auction at any time.
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