2009 Tige RZ2-PCM 343HP-1,500 lbs of plumbed in ballastWetsounds Stereo-Syn 4 Powering 2 Rev 10's-HT 6 Powering 6 interior XS-650-Power Bass 1500.1 Powering WS XXXV2 in custom wet sounds specified ported box-Bimini-Travel Cover-LED's in tower speakers and powder coated vents-Surf and wake board racks-Heater-Transom Remote-Transom Light-Have 1235 or 537 prop-625 Hours-Overall Good Shape (Has some minor tears in upholstery seams)-You won't find a more loaded RZ2 with Alpha Z for the priceTrailer-2009 Boatmate TA Trailer-All LED's-Black 14" Wheels-Custom hitch for pulling small trailer behind boatCondition:-Boat does have a few rips in the upholsteryand some seams are showing wear-Back seat seam is coming apart-Some fade on starboard side
-Select button on perfect pass is not present but still functional
-Overall good exterior condition-Boat runs great
Jeb phone
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