1994 Sea Ray 300 SundancerPRICE JUST REDUCED TO $15,000Twin MerCruiser 350 5.7L engines3-axle trailer w/surge brakesTrim tabs(3) BatteriesBattery chargerShorepowerWindlass(2) Fenders w/holderRadar archGENERATORAir/HeatHot water heaterBimini w/enclosureCD stereoTV/DVDCockpit wash-downFoldaway transom seatForward BerthConvertible dinetteAft Berthelectric 2-burner stoveMicrowaveFridge/FreezerGalley sinkVacuFlush head w/shower & sinkBeam: 10'6"Net weight of the boat only: 8,300 lbs.The boat has been out of the water and in storage for approx 4 years. THE ENGINES ARE GOOD, ONE STARTS AND OTHER NEEDS A TUNE UP...It needs some cleaning up and tuning up. The tandem Aluminium trailer comes with it. I paid over $10,000 for that. I just do not have time for it. Must liquidate it now. Boats like it are priced at $30,000
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