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2005 STARCRAFT 190 OPEN BOW BOAT@@@2470769@@@
Stock #:
Exterior Color:
Interior Color:
Title Condition:
Clear Vehicle Description
Just like new 2005 19ft open bow inboard V8 Starcraft 190. This boat has a very responsive engine. You'll never get tired of driving this fantastic boat due to its seating being fully comfortable. Like-new superior quality carpeting provides added comfort and compliments the seating and other trim surfaces you are going to love about this boat. The premium fabric seating surfaces that compliment this popular model will last for years to come. Like new leather seating surfaces and trim accent th...e many other interior qualities of this beautiful boat. The premium upgraded sound system in this fantastic boat is amazing and provides the best sound possible for all of your favorite tunes. Trailer included, great tires and newer wheel bearings. Everything on the boat works. Runs fantastic, very well maintained!
Vehicle Warranty - Check for open recalls
- New Cars come with a Full-Factory Warranty.
- Used Cars may have a Remaining-Factory Warranty, but please contact us for the warranty details specific to this vehicle.
We are a full discloser seller that stocks over 250 wholesale units for both dealers and the public.
All vehicles are previous Canadian import. We are proud to have been in business for over 10 years!
All of our product offered has a 1.5 hour extensive shop inspection to allow us to be a full disclosure seller.
Any issues will be announced under seller comments.
Al our units come with a clean Arkansas State title, we do not sell any branded title vehicles.
All dash clusters are professionally changed to meet USA standards and are in miles.
All of our product is imported at sellers expense.
If you have any questions, or offers please feel free to call or text Don at our wholesale department.Cell phone. Office 1-phone
**Visit our website for more great vehicles!**
Terms and Conditions
Payment Options We accept the following payment methods:
- Cashier's Check/money order- Loan check from classifieds board Financing Center
Vehicle Pickup & Shipping All shipping charges are buyer's responsibility. General Terms
- All of the vehicles we list on classifieds board are for sale locally. We reserve the right to end an auction early.
- All cars are immediately ready for delivery upon sale.
- Deposit: We require a $1000 deposit within 48 hours of winning the auction.
- Please call to make arrangements for payment.
- Payment Types: Cash in person, Certified Funds, Institutional Financing All sales transactions must be completed within 7 calendar days of auction close.
You are responsible for paying tax, title, license and documentation fee.The customer is responsible for registering the vehicle in their home state. Please reach out to dealer for details.
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