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2011 Spectre SC32 Power Boat 0 White & Red Stock #: C1336
Exterior Color: White & Red
Interior Color: Red
Body Type: Power Boat
Drivetrain: Stern Drive/Indy Drive with Hering Props
Fuel Type: Gasoline Fuel
Engine: Gas. I-O Twin Ilmor MV10 w/Indy Drives
Title Condition: ClearSpectre SC32
- Original MSRP was $375,410
- 1-Owner from New
- Only 45 Hours from New
- Top Speed 146.5 MPH
- Twin Ilmor MV10 Engines
- 725hp per engine (1,450hp total)
- with Indy outdrives
- 140-Gallon Fuel Tank
- Pre-Paid Shipping within Continental USA
- with full-price purchase
- Livorsi gauges ($2,800)
- Isotta steering wheel ($700)
- Carbon fiber seat backs ($1,500)
- Two Hering 5-blade props ($16,000)
- LED trim indicators ($600)
- LED interior lighting ($600)
- Garman GPS Map ($3,200)
- Performance rigging package ($5,000)
- Mooring cover
- Prop covers
- 2011 Performance trailer ($20,000)
- One-owner from New
- Purchased new in 2012 from Oregon Custom Marine
- Lake Chelan, WA boat
- Has never been in saltwater
- Stored in climate-controlled shop
- Original MSRP was $375,410
- Featured in Powerboat Magazine (Dec 2011)
- Full service with fluids/spark plugs completed last year
- A KILLER Boat!!!
- White/Red w/Black color scheme
- Red Interior
- Hull Weight 4,800 pounds
- Livorsi Controls
- Waterproof Switches
- 316 Stainless Steel Cleats
- Flush Mounted Fuel Fills & Vents
- New Six-Step Hull Design
- Race Style Rigging
- High-Performance Stereo with JL Audio Speakers
- Wrap Around Dash
- Stainless Steel Drink Holders
- Grab Handles
- 36 Cubic Feet Rear Storage Box
- Fiberglass Cockpit Liner
- Custom Embossed Interior
- Non-skid Floor
- Aerodynamic Windshield
- Performance Gauges
- Stainless Bow & Stern Eyes
- 1200 gph Automatic Bilge Pump
- Navigation Lights
- H/D Marine Battery
- Custom Ignition/Switch Panel w/Breaker Switches
- Engine System Matched Controls, Steering, and Gauge Package
- Factory Sea Trial Prior to Delivery
- Beam: 9 ft. 0 in.
- Fuel tank capacity: 140
Pre-Owned Cars may have a Remaining-Factory Warranty, but please contact us for the warranty details specific to this vehicle. Some younger than 9 years old, also may qualify for Extended Service Agreements. (highly recommended option, if available on your specific purchase)
About Park Place LTD
Park Place LTD is one of the West Coasts largest dealers of sports, luxury, classic, and exotic cars. Established in 1987.
Contact us for more detailsphonephone Terms and Conditions
Payment Options We accept the following payment methods:
- Cashier's Check/money order- Cash (in person)- Personal check (once cleared)
Vehicle Pickup & Shipping All shipping charges are buyer's responsibility.
Finance, Warranty, Shipping question? Call the dealer at phone General TermsPlacing a Bid:Your bid constitutes a legally binding contract to purchase this vehicle. Please bid if you are seriously interested, and financially able to purchase this vehicle. Please read classifieds board's User Agreement Park Place LTD reserves the right to, a. Obtain and verify the registered information of all users who bid on this auction. b. Cancel any and all bids at our discretion, or end the auction early if necessary.Bidders Age: You must be 18 years of age or older to Bid.Special classifieds board Bid Retraction Rules: Please read classifieds board's "Retracting a Bid" a. If you place a bid before the last 12-hour period of the auction: You may retract that bid before that last 12-hour period but only for exceptional circumstances. You will not be allowed to retract that bid during the last 12-hour period of the auction. b. If you place a bid during the last 12-hour period of the auction: You will be allowed to retract the bid for exceptional circumstances but only if you do so within one hour after placing the bid.Funds & Financing:For help in arranging for a Pre-Approved loan or for any questions please e-mail or phone our classifieds board Manager at phone prior to bidding. Park Place Ltd has an online Application to apply for Credit with our lenders who offer competative financing for buyers located within the USA.Buyers Inspection:Park Place LTD has done our best to disclose all information known about this vehicle for auction. Park Place LTD welcomes a buyers inspection. If you plan to have a buyers inspection, please make sure you inspect the vehicle prior to the auction ending. Inspection fees if any are Buyers responsibility.Representations and Warranties made by seller:This vehicle is being sold"as is". Manufacturer's warranties may still apply. Extended warranty may be available, e-mail or phone our classifieds board Manager at phone for details. No representations or warranties are made by seller, nor are any representations or warranties relied upon by bidders in making bids.Taxes and Registration fees:Out of state buyers are responsible for all state, county, city taxes and fees, as well as title service fees in the state that the vehicle will be registered. All taxes and fees must be paid in full in order for vehicle to be titled and registered.Title Information:Vehicles titles may be held by banks or lenders as collateral for loans. In many cases there is a delay in receiving the original instruments up to 21 days from the time we pay a vehicle off. While we usually have all titles in our possession at closing, there are occasions where we may be waiting for them to arrive. If payment is made by cashier's or personal checks we will hold all titles for 10 days or until funds have cleared.Shipping & Delivery:a. All shipping charges are buyer's responsibility. Park Place LTD will help with shipping arrangements but will not be responsible in any way for claims arising from shipping damage! b. Licensed Carriers are generally insured for $3,000,000.00. We assume no responsibility for damages incurred after the vehicle leaves our showroom. All shipping arrangements are provided by Park Place LTD as a courtesy. We are not affiliated with any carrier. Any claims or other communication regarding shipment of vehicles will be between you and the shipper, not with Park Place LTD. c. The amount of time it takes for delivery is dependent on the carrier, but is generally 7-14 days from the date the vehicle is picked up from our facility until it is delivered to your destination. Verify with the shipper for an Estimate Time of Arrival to be sure.Finalizing your Purchase: a. Park Place LTD will contact the successful high bidder, the "Buy it now", or accepted offers, by e-mail after the listing or, auction closes. b. Successful high bidder MUST communicate with our classifieds board Manager at Park Place LTD by e-mail or phone phone within 24 hours of the auction ending to make arrangements to complete their transaction. If we cannot confirm your intention to buy or the sale is not completed within 3 business days, we reserve the right to relist this vehicle or sell to any other qualified buyer. c. In order to secure bid on vehicle, Successful bidder (BUYER) must within 24 hours of bid closing send to Seller a Deposit in the amount of 10% by major credit card, Bank Wire transfer, cash in person or bank certified funds. Within 72 hours of bid closing, Buyer must send balance of funds by cash in person, Wire Transfer, or bank certified funds to Seller. d. At time of sending initial deposit, Buyer MUST provide copy of their State issued valid Driver License. Furthermore, before said vehicle is released for shipment to Buyer, all other Sale related and title related paperwork must be signed and returned complete to Seller.Placing a Bid:Your bid constitutes a legally binding contract to purchase this vehicle. Please bid if you are seriously interested, and financially able to purchase this vehicle. Please read classifieds board's User Agreement Park Place LTD reserves the right to, a. Obtain and verify the registered information of all users who bid on this auction. b. Cancel any and all bids at our discretion, or end the auction early if necessary.Bidders Age: You must be 18 years of age or older to Bid.Special classifieds board Bid Retraction Rules: Please read classifieds board's "Retracting a Bid" a. If you place a bid before the last 12-hour period of the auction: You may retract that bid before that last 12-hour period but only for exceptional circumstances. You will not be allowed to retract that bid during the last 12-hour period of the auction. b. If you place a bid during the last 12-hour period of the auction: You will be allowed to retract the bid for exceptional circumstances but only if you do so within one hour after placing the bid.Funds & Financing:For help in arranging for a Pre-Approved loan or for any questions please e-mail or phone our classifieds board Manager at phone prior to bidding. Park Place Ltd has an online Application to apply for Credit with our lenders who offer competative financing for buyers located within the USA.Buyers Inspection:Park Place LTD has done our best to disclose all information known about this vehicle for auction. Park Place LTD welcomes a buyers inspection. If you plan to have a buyers inspection, please make sure you inspect the vehicle prior to the auction ending. Inspection fees if any are Buyers responsibility.Representations and Warranties made by seller:This vehicle is being sold"as is". Manufacturer's warranties may still apply. Extended warranty may be available, e-mail or phone our classifieds board Manager at phone for details. No representations or warranties are made by seller, nor are any representations or warranties relied upon by bidders in making bids.Taxes and Registration fees:Out of state buyers are responsible for all state, county, city taxes and fees, as well as title service fees in the state that the vehicle will be registered. All taxes and fees must be paid in full in order for vehicle to be titled and registered.Title Information:Vehicles titles may be held by banks or lenders as collateral for loans. In many cases there is a delay in receiving the original instruments up to 21 days from the timewe pay a vehicle off. While we usually have all titles in our possession at closing, there are occasions where we may be waiting for them to arrive. If payment is made by cashier's or personal checks we will hold all titles for 10 days or until funds have cleared.Shipping & Delivery:a. All shipping charges are buyer's responsibility. Park Place LTD will help with shipping arrangements but will not be responsible in any way for claims arising from shipping damage! b. Licensed Carriers are generally insured for $3,000,000.00. We assume no responsibility for damages incurred after the vehicle leaves our showroom. All shipping arrangements are provided by Park Place LTD as a courtesy. We are not affiliated with any carrier. Any claims or other communication regarding shipment of vehicles will be between you and the shipper, not with Park Place LTD. c. The amount of time it takes for delivery is dependent on the carrier, but is generally 7-14 days from the date the vehicle is picked up from our facility until it is delivered to your destination. Verify with the shipper for an Estimate Time of Arrival to be sure.Finalizing your Purchase: a. Park Place LTD will contact the successful high bidder, the "Buy it now", or accepted offers, by e-mail after the listing or, auction closes. b. Successful high bidder MUST communicate with our classifieds board Manager at Park Place LTD by e-mail or phone phone within 24 hours of the auction ending to make arrangements to complete their transaction. If we cannot confirm your intention to buy or the sale is not completed within 3 business days, we reserve the right to relist this vehicle or sell to any other qualified buyer. c. In order to secure bid on vehicle, Successful bidder (BUYER) must within 24 hours of bid closing send to Seller a Deposit in the amount of 10% by major credit card, Bank Wire transfer, cash in person or bank certified funds. Within 72 hours of bid closing, Buyer must send balance of funds by cash in person, Wire Transfer, or bank certified funds to Seller. d. At time of sending initial deposit, Buyer MUST provide copy of their State issued valid Driver License. Furthermore, before said vehicle is released for shipment to Buyer, all other Sale related and title related paperwork must be signed and returned complete to Seller.
Fees and Taxes
Out of WA State buyersThe Dealer does not collect any taxes or fees in addition to Purchase Price from Out of State Buyers. Out of State Buyersare responsible for paying tax, title, license and documentation fee in their respected States.The customer is responsible for registering the vehicle in their home state.We do charge $150.00 document feefor processing and mailing the title and paperwork. Please reach out to dealer for details.
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