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} Off The Hook Yacht Sales
6317 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28405
phone EBizAutos
2012 Sea Ray 470 Sundancer
Request More Info VIN:
7253874 Stock #:
7253874 Condition:
Used Clear Title
750 Engine:
MerCruiser QSB diesel with Zeus Drives Inboard (Di Exterior Color: White PHOTO VIEWERPHOTO VIEWER
Vehicle Overview
New To Market
Lowest Priced 2012 470 Sundancer
This2012 Sea Ray 470 SundancerIs located in Fort Lauderdale FL. The 470 Sundancer offers comfortable forward full wrap around seating. Underwater lighting, Directional lighting and indirect lighting set this boat apart from the rest of the boats on the water. Boasting a comfortable forward master, double bed aft cabin and drop down bed in the salon will ensure everyone will sleep comfortably.
This 470 Sundancer is fully loaded with electronics. Dual Ray Marine screens, autopilot, VHF Radio, Stereo remote andJOYSTICK controlall at helm and right at your finger tips.
- Dual RayMarine E120 W
-Auto Pilot
-JL Audio cockpit surround sound with sub woofers
-Satellite TV
-Swim Platform with custom SeaDek
Steering SystemJoystick ControlManufacturer Provided Description
Our 470 Sundancer is destined to be an instant classic. How do we know? Because it is packed stem to stern with winning design features and innovations, including standard Zeus 360-degree Control pod drives with an intuitive helm joystick for stress-free docking. Plus, there is an enclosed helm with two independently retractable sunroofs, offering the ultimate in weather protection and climate control. This luxurious Sundancer will change the way its owners boat forever, guaranteed.
Key Features
- Standard Cummins MerCruiser QSB 425 Diesel Zeus drives.
- Custom euro-style helm seat with flip-up, thigh-rise bolster, armrests, and heavy-duty pedestal with slide, swivel and pneumatic vertical adjustment, and fiberglass seat shell.
- Companion bench with molded fiberglass storage.
- Electrically actuated engine compartment hatch.
- Sirius satellite receiver with antenna (N/A outside N. America)
- 12V AM/FM single CD with six-disc CD changer, eight (8) speakers and digital cockpit remote control.
- Zeus Drive System includes Skyhook Station-Keeper technology
- U-Shaped aft seating with storage.
- Standard VHF radio.
- Sea Ray Owners Club membership (available in USA and Canada).
- Cockpit wet bar with sink and faucet, solid-surface countertop, stainless-steel handrail, trash receptacle, and storage cabinet.
- Standard LCD drop-down flatscreen TV with DVD in salon.
- Innerspring mattress in forward stateroom.
- Separate shower and head.
- Ultraleather HP standard on all interior seating.
- Standard generator with sound shield.
- Water manifold system with shut-off valve.
- Underwater exhaust.
- Large extended swim platform with heavy-duty stainless-steel swim ladder.
Twin Cummins Diesels with Zeus Pod drives. 750 Hours on the motors
DefaultThe Company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice.
100 Gallon Water Tank
350 Gallon Fuel Tank
42 Gallon Black Water Tank
Primary Boat Class: Motor Yachts,Sports Cruiser
Additional Boat Classes: Motor Yachts,Sports Cruiser
Boat LocationDania Beach
Buyer Resources Contact Alex Hoch for more information
Request More Info Financing Information Contact us today
for more information, or fill out our
Online Credit Application to begin the pre-approval process today.
Warranty Information
EXTENDED WARRANTY AVAILABLEThis Vehicle is Being Sold "As-Is."If you are interested in purchasing an extended warranty protection for this vehicle, we recommend Warranty Direct for extended auto, motorcycle, and RV warranties. Click the icon to the left to get started.
Shipping Information uShip is an auction style marketplace, where feedback rated USHIP auto transporters compete for your business.
List FREE! No Obligation to Accept Bids! Terms of Sale Overview We reserve the right to end this listing at anytime should the vehicle no longer be available for sale. The following terms of sale apply to all of our listings. Payment Terms:
The successful high bidder will submit a $1,000 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle.
Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. Payment Methods:
Cash (In Person), crtified check, bank transfer, or 3rd-party financing. Fees and Taxes:
Out of state buyers are responsible for all state, county, city taxes and fees, as well as title/registration fees in the state that the vehicle will be registered. Quick Links Warranty Info
Financing Info
Shipping Info
Terms of Sale Get A FreeCARFAX Record Check
Off The Hook Yacht Sales
Wilmington NC
Contact Alex Hoch
Contact Alex Hoch for more information
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