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2001 Sea-Doo ISLANDIA@@@5780861@@@
Stock #:
Exterior Color:
Interior Color:
Body Type:
Boats & Watercraft
Mercury 240 EFI Engine
Title Condition:
Clear Vehicle Description
2001 Sea Doo Islandia Open Bow Deck Boat. Boat has 240 horse single engine Mercury V-6 which is Jet driven making it perfect for both river and ocean. This boat seats up to 11 people comfortably. Comes equipped with a changing room, a potty station, on-board sink and wash down area. It has a foot well station that fills with water and doubles as a kiddy pool for those little ones. Also has a table insert which is perfect for eating. Boat also comes with a Bimini top, and a 2013 trailer with g...ood tires and wheels, the trailer alone is worth $3000. This boat has a ton of storage and offers the perfect combination of being family friendly, as well as ripping it up for fun! Sold As Is! Seats show sign of wear and tear, engine turns, not power to the ignition, priced to sell. Specs: Hin: CECJ0461D101 Length: 22' Beam: 8'6 Draft: 12 Fore and aft seating for up to 12 passengers. Covered stainless-steel ladders on both the bow and stern swim platforms. A companion helm seat that pivots 90 degrees to form an L-shaped lounge with the stern sun pad. A sun pad that converts to a couch when raised with gas-filled struts. A roomy sink console that features two drawers and includes a 48-quart Igloo cooler and twin waste receptacles with covers. Lockable storage to protect your valuables and gear. A separate ski locker for water toys. A ski pylon and tow ring. A curtained changing room/head compartment that swings into place simply by raising the console. A shallow kiddie pool with fountain built into the forward cockpit.
Vehicle Warranty
Check for open recalls
New Vehicles come with a full-factory warranty. Used vehicles may have a remaining-factory warranty, but please contact us for the warrant details specific to this vehicle.
About Budget Cars Inc
We are a Florida licensed independent motor vehicle dealer, We have been in the pre-owned automotive industry for over 7 years. Our goal is to retail used cars at competitive prices.
Terms and Conditions
Payment Options We accept the following payment methods:
- Cashier's Check/money order- Loan check from classifieds board Financing Center- Cash (in person)- Personal check (once cleared)
Vehicle Pickup & Shipping All shipping charges are buyer's responsibility. General TermsBUDGET CARS INC.TERMS & DETAILS OF THIS AUCTION:All vehicles are announced with prior paint because we can not verify otherwise and sold as is.
keep in mind that buying an used car requires a certain degree of risk from both the buyer and the seller. This is why it's always a good idea to have the vehicle inspected before end of auction. Thanks for looking and don't hesitate to contact me with any questions!OUR CLASSIFIED ADS:This format allows you the ability to submit an offer that you feel is fair for your new vehicle. Don't hesitate to contact us at anytimeDEALER FEE:There's a standard $199 deal fee for all necessary documents and paperwork.SALES TAX:All Florida Sales require us to collect sales TAX and we do the registration as well. Sales tax is not collected for vehicles sold outside of Florida, only if the vehicle is transported from my location. If you are planning to drive the car away to another state and required a temp tag, then I have to collect the sales tax rate for that particular state. However, if you register and bring your own tag a head of time, then I don't have to collect taxes either. Titles will be mailed after payment has been released,as per Florida law, statute XXIII, a florida independent motor vehicle dealer has up to 30 days to provide the title, i mention this because sometimes the titles get hold up at the auction, private seller or have liens that need to be cleared, Please call if you need more information. These things can seem a bit confusing, but I've done it many times so I can help with the process!!REQUIRED DEPOSIT:A non refundable deposit of $500 is due within 24 hours from the end of the auction.PAYMENT OF BALANCE:The balance is payable at the time you take possession of the vehicle. Payments can be made by personal check (upon clearance), cashiers checks (upon clearance) bank wire transfers, or good old fashion cash.FINANCING:If you are interested in financing your vehicle you must be pre-approved to do so, please contact us immediately to fill out your online credit application no later than 72 hours prior to auction closeTAKING POSSESSION OF THE VEHICLE:Our policy is that you take possession of the vehicle and finalize the transaction within 7 days. If you require additional time, please let me know in advance so I can make the arrangements.OUT OF TOWN BUYERS/SHIPPING :If you're an out-of-town buyer, full payment must be made prior to shipping. I'll be glad to assist buyers in making shipping arrangements and I can refer buyers to a trusted transportation company that I personally use, but all costs are buyer's responsibility. Again, we value you as a customer, however due to liability and manpower we are not able to deliver vehicles nationally or locally. We will always assist you in any way we can, but delivering cars is something we cannot do, thank you for understanding.WARRANTY:As is customary, the vehicle is being sold As Is. Please read above for details. Also, I have the right to terminate listing at Our discretion.**Our objective is to provide classifieds board members with complete satisfaction, and a fair deal too! classifieds board members are the most important part of any transaction that I make, so my goal is to be as accurate as possible. If an issue does arise, I'll do my best to solve it. I believe that communication can solve most problem, so if you bid on a vehicle that I've listed, and a problem arises, please talk to me before you consider leaving a negative feedback! Once left it is more challenging to fix. Prices subject to change without notice and do not include Title, License, Registration Fees, State or Local Taxes or Processing Fees, if any. Please contact seller first for vehicle availability. Although every effort is made to present accurate and reliable information, use of this information is voluntary, and should only be deemed reliable after an independent review of its accuracy, completeness, and timeliness. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to verify the existence of options, accessories and the vehicle condition before time of sale. Any and all differences must be addressed prior to time of sale. No expressed or implied warranties, including the availability or condition of the equipment listed is made. EPA mileage estimates for comparison purposes only. Actual mileage may vary depending on driving conditions, driving habits, and vehicle maintenance.
Fees and Taxes
Sales tax, title, license fee, registration fee, dealer documentary fee, finance charges, emission testing fees, and compliance fees are additional to the advertised price. Vehicle is listed locally, we reserve the right to end the auction at any time.
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