This 2008 Tige' Boats INC 24VE looksimmaculate, well maintained, and takencare of. The vessel was reportedly submerged in fresh water on the SpokoneRiver in Idaho USA, due to being over its weight capacity from the amount ofpeople on board, along with its Ballast system. The vessel has an inboard5.7L 340HP engine, which offers great wakeboarding experience with its ConvexV hull design, and its wakeboarding tower. The vessel has ample seating,cushions over the aft for sun bathing, swim platform, tower speakers,underwater lighting, and an exhaust silencing system. The vessel is beingsold as is where is, with its trailer.If you have any further questions or concerns or would like to schedule anappointment to view this vessel please contact Zak at Dolphin Services, LLCat 1-phone or directly at 1-phone.This 2008 Tige' Boats INC 24VE looksimmaculate, well maintained, and takencare of. The vessel was reportedly submerged in fresh water on the SpokoneRiver in Idaho USA, due to being over its weight capacity from the amount ofpeople on board, along with its Ballast system. The vessel has an inboard5.7L 340HP engine, which offers great wakeboarding experience with its ConvexV hull design, and its wakeboarding tower. The vessel has ample seating,cushions over the aft for sun bathing, swim platform, tower speakers,underwater lighting, and an exhaust silencing system. The vessel is beingsold as is where is, with its trailer.
If you have any further questions or concerns or would like to schedule anappointment to view this vessel please contact Zak at Dolphin Services, LLCat 1-phone or directly at 1-phone.If you have any further questions or concerns or would like to schedule anappointment to view this vessel please contact Zak at Dolphin Services, LLCat 1-phone or directly at 1-phone.
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