1982 Horizon 39. Rare find. A new-old-stock blue water project boat that was ordered direct from the factory and never completed. The boat is in excellent condition with the Interior finished about 70% by a master woodworker. Shoal-draft keel with centerboard. Some electrics and plumbing installed. Boat will require stay and running rigging as well as both masts and sails (setup for cutter ketch rigging). This is a well-built boat in the off-shore cruiser class. It will make an excellent new-old-stock finishing project for someone seeking a blue water cruiser with the time and right tools to finish her. Boat must be removed from owners property prior to transfer of title.
Specs Builder: Horizon Designer: Bert BorgessDimensions LOA: 39 ft 0 in Beam: 11 ft 2 in LWL: 30 ft 0 in Minimum Draft: 4 ft 6 in Maximum Draft: 9 ft 2 in Displacement: 20000 lbs Ballast: 7100 lbsEngines Engine 1: Engine Brand: Perkins (needed) Engine Model: 4-108 Engine/Fuel Type: Diesel Engine Hours: Tanks Fresh Water Tanks: (185 Gallons) Fuel Tanks: (36 Gallons) Dimensions Max Draft: 46" / 92" Max Bridge Clearance: Mast Height 48 Accommodations V-berth sleeps 2, Starboard settee sleeps 2, Port dining table sleeps 2, and quarter berth sleeps 2 for a total of 8.
General Construction: Extremely high quality construction methods were used. The layup includes .06 Isothalic gel coats and laminating resin, 4 layers of 1.5 oz. mat, then 24 oz. Woven Roving hand laid longitudinally over the full length of the hull, with 12 overlaps at the waterline, garboard area, and keel. One additional layer was laid down from above the water line to mid-keel and 2 additional layers from mid keel to the centerline. When the hull was complete, a 4 inward turning hull flange was laminated to the upper 12 of the hull, doubling the thickness at the sheer. The production rate was slow for a production boat, allowing each hull about 3 weeks in the mold. This allowed the hull to properly cure before removal. The hull mold was a one piece lamination, heavily reinforced, and set on rollers.The deck mold was adapted from Morgan 40 tooling. The deck lamination schedule included .06 ISO gel coat and 1.5 oz. Mat, 2 layers of mat and 24 oz. Woven roving, a 0.5 plywood core bedded with wet chop over all deck surfaces, including the cabin sides plus an additional layer of 1.5 oz. Mat and 24 oz. woven roving.Engine and Mechanical Requires a Perkins 4-108 four cylinder fresh water cooled 50 hp. Dual lever engine controls on binnacle.
Sails and Rigging Cutter rig ketch plan.
Horizon Yacht Owner
Something I located online
My Father is Barry Scharf who owned and operated Horizon Yacht and Marine...If you have questions on your boat or need any info I can make that happen...Mike Scharf phone
InJohnsboatstuff.comthere is mention of the Horizon in a reprint of a "CruisingWorld" article which talks about using "fuzzy Logic" in choosing a cruising sailboat. On that list, it shows the Horizon 39 in the "$75,000 to $100,000" list of BESTCRUISERSUNDER $100,000 - right up there with the BCC's, Hans Christian, 38's, Pacific Seacraft 31's, Cape Dory 36's, PC 34's and Morris 28's!!! A nice group to be in.
HULL AND DECK CONSTRUCTION Construction of hull was very high quality, using .06 Isothalic gel coats and laminating resin. The 4 layers of 1.5 oz. mat and 24 oz. Woven roving were laid down longitudinally, over the full length of the hull, with 12 overlaps at the waterline, garboard area, and keel. One additional layer was laid down from above the WL to mid-keel and 2 additional layers from mid keel to the centerline. When the hull was complete, a 4 inward turning hull flange was laminated to theupper12 of the hull, doubling the thickness at the sheer. The production rate was slow, allowing each hull about 3 weeks in the mold. The hull mold was a one piece lamination, heavily reinforced, and set on rollers.Thedeck moldwas adapted fromMorgan 40tooling. The deck lamination schedule included .06ISOgelcoatand 1.5 oz. Mat, 2 layers of mat and 24 oz. Woven roving, a 0.5 plywood core bedded with wet chop over all deck surfaces, including the cabin sides and 1 additional layer of 1.5 oz. Mat and 24 oz. woven roving. Most Horizon boats were finished with traditional interiors.YACHT DESIGN FACTORSDISP/LENGTH RATIO 331 (>300 = heavy cruiser) SA/DISP RATIO 16.94 (>20 = high performance) VELOCITY RATIO 1.04 (1 1.14 for cruiser) BALLAST RATIO 0.41 (nominal forcenterboarddesigns) NOMINAL SPEED 6 - 6.5 Knots HULL SPEED 7.34 Knots MAX SPEED 7.78 Knots COMFORT FACTOR 37.6 (Cruisersrange between 30 40 ) CAPSIZE RISK 1.64 (SNAME data, from Fastnet race,<2 = good) ROLL PERIOD 4.3 seconds (CB up) MOMENT OF INERTIA 800,000 STABILITY INDEX 1.14 (1=stiff, >1.5=tender)
THE COMPANY Horizon Yacht Company of Largo, Florida, manufactured the Horizon 39 during the 1980's. Barry Scharf owned the company. Barry commissioned yacht designer Burk Borges, who did many Morgan designs, to design the Horizon 39. The company built 30 40 boats during the 1980s, and enjoyed the reputation as a quality cruising boat builder. Most were sold as kits for one of a kind customrigand interior fitting, but several boats were completely finished and sold under the name NEMO 39. The price in 1984 for a finished NEMO 39 boat was $140,000.Bare hulls with a deck started at around $30,000 with two transom styles: traditional for ketch and reverse for cutter/sloop plan. The company was expanding to include a 45 model in addition to the 39 and 26 when the market for cruising boats collapsed.The company went out ofbusinessin1988.
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