At 20 feet in length and 96 inches in width, the new ProStar is slightly larger, yet lighter, than its predecessor the 190 / 197. However its world record capable performance, unparalleled functionality and its progressive appearance have no match."When setting out on the new ProStar project wewanted performance, functionality and aesthetics that would change the sport,comments Freddy Krueger, MasterCraft Team Skier. I have no doubt that asthis boat is released and people have an opportunity to see, drive, and ski theboat, they will agree...this boat is truly a perfect balance of the three and willchange the face of the sport of skiing."
Ilmor 5.7L Motor and Trailer included!
136 Hours
Specifications -
Length: 20 feet / 6.096 m
Width Amidship: 96 inches / 2.44 m
Boat Weight: 3300 lbs fully optioned / 1497 kg
Fuel Capacity: 25 gallons / 94.6 L
Seating: 7 people
Hull: Direct Drive
If still for sale, pls provide contact info to discuss. Thx, Jeff
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