a", d = a.getElementsByTagName("*"), e = a.getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; if (!d || !d.length || !e) return {}; g = c.createElement("select"), h = g.appendChild(c.createElement("option")), i = a.getElementsByTagName("input")[0], k = { leadingWhitespace: a.firstChild.nodeType === 3, tbody: !a.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length, htmlSerialize: !!a.getElementsByTagName("link").length, style: /top/.test(e.getAttribute("style")), hrefNormalized: e.getAttribute("href") === "/a", opacity: /^0.55$/.test(e.style.opacity), cssFloat: !!e.style.cssFloat, checkOn: i.value === "on", optSelected: h.selected, getSetAttribute: a.className !== "t", submitBubbles: !0, changeBubbles: !0, focusinBubbles: !1, deleteExpando: !0, noCloneEvent: !0, inlineBlockNeedsLayout: !1, shrinkWrapBlocks: !1, reliableMarginRight: !0 }, i.checked = !0, k.noCloneChecked = i.cloneNode(!0).checked, g.disabled = !0, k.optDisabled = !h.disabled; try { delete a.test } catch (v) { k.deleteExpando = !1 } !a.addEventListener && a.attachEvent && a.fireEvent && (a.attachEvent("onclick", function () { k.noCloneEvent = !1 }), a.cloneNode(!0).fireEvent("onclick")), i = c.createElement("input"), i.value = "t", i.setAttribute("type", "radio"), k.radioValue = i.value === "t", i.setAttribute("checked", "checked"), a.appendChild(i), l = c.createDocumentFragment(), l.appendChild(a.firstChild), k.checkClone = l.cloneNode(!0).cloneNode(!0).lastChild.checked, a.innerHTML = "", a.style.width = a.style.paddingLeft = "1px", m = c.getElementsByTagName("body")[0], o = c.createElement(m ? "div" : "body"), p = { visibility: "hidden", width: 0, height: 0, border: 0, margin: 0 }, m && f.extend(p, { position: "absolute", left: -1e3, top: -1e3 }); for (t in p) o.style[t] = p[t]; o.appendChild(a), n = m || b, n.insertBefore(o, n.firstChild), k.appendChecked = i.checked, k.boxModel = a.offsetWidth === 2, "zoom" in a.style && (a.style.display = "inline", a.style.zoom = 1, k.inlineBlockNeedsLayout = a.offsetWidth === 2, a.style.display = "", a.innerHTML = "", k.shrinkWrapBlocks = a.offsetWidth !== 2), a.innerHTML = "t
", q = a.getElementsByTagName("td"), u = q[0].offsetHeight === 0, q[0].style.display = "", q[1].style.display = "none", k.reliableHiddenOffsets = u && q[0].offsetHeight === 0, a.innerHTML = "", c.defaultView && c.defaultView.getComputedStyle && (j = c.createElement("div"), j.style.width = "0", j.style.marginRight = "0", a.appendChild(j), k.reliableMarginRight = (parseInt((c.defaultView.getComputedStyle(j, null) || { marginRight: 0 }).marginRight, 10) || 0) === 0), o.innerHTML = "", n.removeChild(o); if (a.attachEvent) for (t in { submit: 1, change: 1, focusin: 1 }) s = "on" + t, u = s in a, u || (a.setAttribute(s, "return;"), u = typeof a[s] == "function"), k[t + "Bubbles"] = u; o = l = g = h = m = j = a = i = null; return k } (), f.boxModel = f.support.boxModel; var i = /^(?:\{.*\}|\[.*\])$/, j = /([a-z])([A-Z])/g; f.extend({ cache: {}, uuid: 0, expando: "jQuery" + (f.fn.jquery + Math.random()), noData: { embed: !0, object: "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-phone0", applet: !0 }, hasData: function (a) { a = a.nodeType ? f.cache[a[f.expando]] : a[f.expando]; return !!a && !l(a) }, data: function (a, c, d, e) { if (!!f.acceptData(a)) { var g = f.expando, h = typeof c == "string", i, j = a.nodeType, k = j ? f.cache : a, l = j ? a[f.expando] : a[f.expando] && f.expando; if ((!l || e && l && !k[l][g]) && h && d === b) return; l || (j ? a[f.expando] = l = ++f.uuid : l = f.expando), k[l] || (k[l] = {}, j || (k[l].toJSON = f.noop)); if (typeof c == "object" || typeof c == "function") e ? k[l][g] = f.extend(k[l][g], c) : k[l] = f.extend(k[l], c); i = k[l], e && (i[g] || (i[g] = {}), i = i[g]), d !== b && (i[f.camelCase(c)] = d); if (c === "events" && !i[c]) return i[g] && i[g].events; return h ? i[f.camelCase(c)] || i[c] : i } }, removeData: function (b, c, d) { if (!!f.acceptData(b)) { var e = f.expando, g = b.nodeType, h = g ? f.cache : b, i = g ? b[f.expando] : f.expando; if (!h[i]) return; if (c) { var j = d ? h[i][e] : h[i]; if (j) { delete j[c]; if (!l(j)) return } } if (d) { delete h[i][e]; if (!l(h[i])) return } var k = h[i][e]; f.support.deleteExpando || h != a ? delete h[i] : h[i] = null, k ? (h[i] = {}, g || (h[i].toJSON = f.noop), h[i][e] = k) : g && (f.support.deleteExpando ? delete b[f.expando] : b.removeAttribute ? b.removeAttribute(f.expando) : b[f.expando] = null) } }, _data: function (a, b, c) { return f.data(a, b, c, !0) }, acceptData: function (a) { if (a.nodeName) { var b = f.noData[a.nodeName.toLowerCase()]; if (b) return b !== !0 && a.getAttribute("classid") === b } return !0 } }), f.fn.extend({ data: function (a, c) { var d = null; if (typeof a == "undefined") { if (this.length) { d = f.data(this[0]); if (this[0].nodeType === 1) { var e = this[0].attributes, g; for (var h = 0, i = e.length; h -1) return !0; return !1 }, val: function (a) { var c, d, e = this[0]; if (!arguments.length) { if (e) { c = f.valHooks[e.nodeName.toLowerCase()] || f.valHooks[e.type]; if (c && "get" in c && (d = c.get(e, "value")) !== b) return d; d = e.value; return typeof d == "string" ? d : d == null ? "" : d } return b } var g = f.isFunction(a); return this.each(function (d) { var e = f(this), h; if (this.nodeType === 1) { g ? h = a.call(this, d, e.val()) : h = a, h == null ? h = "" : typeof h == "number" ? h += "" : f.isArray(h) && (h = f.map(h, function (a) { return a == null ? "" : a + "" })), c = f.valHooks[this.nodeName.toLowerCase()] || f.valHooks[this.type]; if (!c || !("set" in c) || c.set(this, h, "value") === b) this.value = h } }) } }), f.extend({ valHooks: { option: { get: function (a) { var b = a.attributes.value; return !b || b.specified ? a.value : a.text } }, select: { get: function (a) { var b, c = a.selectedIndex, d = [], e = a.options, g = a.type === "select-one"; if (c = 0 }), c.length || (a.selectedIndex = -1); return c } } }, attrFn: { val: !0, css: !0, html: !0, text: !0, data: !0, width: !0, height: !0, offset: !0 }, attrFix: { tabindex: "tabIndex" }, attr: function (a, c, d, e) { var g = a.nodeType; if (!a || g === 3 || g === 8 || g === 2) return b; if (e && c in f.attrFn) return f(a)[c](d); if (!("getAttribute" in a)) return f.prop(a, c, d); var h, i, j = g !== 1 || !f.isXMLDoc(a); j && (c = f.attrFix[c] || c, i = f.attrHooks[c], i || (t.test(c) ? i = w : v && c !== "className" && (f.nodeName(a, "form") || u.test(c)) && (i = v))); if (d !== b) { if (d === null) { f.removeAttr(a, c); return b } if (i && "set" in i && j && (h = i.set(a, d, c)) !== b) return h; a.setAttribute(c, "" + d); return d } if (i && "get" in i && j && (h = i.get(a, c)) !== null) return h; h = a.getAttribute(c); return h === null ? b : h }, removeAttr: function (a, b) { var c; a.nodeType === 1 && (b = f.attrFix[b] || b, f.support.getSetAttribute ? a.removeAttribute(b) : (f.attr(a, b, ""), a.removeAttributeNode(a.getAttributeNode(b))), t.test(b) && (c = f.propFix[b] || b) in a && (a[c] = !1)) }, attrHooks: { type: { set: function (a, b) { if (q.test(a.nodeName) && a.parentNode) f.error("type property can't be changed"); else if (!f.support.radioValue && b === "radio" && f.nodeName(a, "input")) { var c = a.value; a.setAttribute("type", b), c && (a.value = c); return b } } }, tabIndex: { get: function (a) { var c = a.getAttributeNode("tabIndex"); return c && c.specified ? parseInt(c.value, 10) : r.test(a.nodeName) || s.test(a.nodeName) && a.href ? 0 : b } }, value: { get: function (a, b) { if (v && f.nodeName(a, "button")) return v.get(a, b); return b in a ? a.value : null }, set: function (a, b, c) { if (v && f.nodeName(a, "button")) return v.set(a, b, c); a.value = b } } }, propFix: { tabindex: "tabIndex", readonly: "readOnly", "for": "htmlFor", "class": "className", maxlength: "maxLength", cellspacing: "cellSpacing", cellpadding: "cellPadding", rowspan: "rowSpan", colspan: "colSpan", usemap: "useMap", frameborder: "frameBorder", contenteditable: "contentEditable" }, prop: function (a, c, d) { var e = a.nodeType; if (!a || e === 3 || e === 8 || e === 2) return b; var g, h, i = e !== 1 || !f.isXMLDoc(a); i && (c = f.propFix[c] || c, h = f.propHooks[c]); return d !== b ? h && "set" in h && (g = h.set(a, d, c)) !== b ? g : a[c] = d : h && "get" in h && (g = h.get(a, c)) !== b ? g : a[c] }, propHooks: {} }), w = { get: function (a, c) { return f.prop(a, c) ? c.toLowerCase() : b }, set: function (a, b, c) { var d; b === !1 ? f.removeAttr(a, c) : (d = f.propFix[c] || c, d in a && (a[d] = !0), a.setAttribute(c, c.toLowerCase())); return c } }, f.support.getSetAttribute || (f.attrFix = f.propFix, v = f.attrHooks.name = f.attrHooks.title = f.valHooks.button = { get: function (a, c) { var d; d = a.getAttributeNode(c); return d && d.nodeValue !== "" ? d.nodeValue : b }, set: function (a, b, c) { var d = a.getAttributeNode(c); if (d) { d.nodeValue = b; return b } } }, f.each(["width", "height"], function (a, b) { f.attrHooks[b] = f.extend(f.attrHooks[b], { set: function (a, c) { if (c === "") { a.setAttribute(b, "auto"); return c } } }) })), f.support.hrefNormalized || f.each(["href", "src", "width", "height"], function (a, c) { f.attrHooks[c] = f.extend(f.attrHooks[c], { get: function (a) { var d = a.getAttribute(c, 2); return d === null ? b : d } }) }), f.support.style || (f.attrHooks.style = { get: function (a) { return a.style.cssText.toLowerCase() || b }, set: function (a, b) { return a.style.cssText = "" + b } }), f.support.optSelected || (f.propHooks.selected = f.extend(f.propHooks.selected, { get: function (a) { var b = a.parentNode; b && (b.selectedIndex, b.parentNode && b.parentNode.selectedIndex) } })), f.support.checkOn || f.each(["radio", "checkbox"], function () { f.valHooks[this] = { get: function (a) { return a.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : a.value } } }), f.each(["radio", "checkbox"], function () { f.valHooks[this] = f.extend(f.valHooks[this], { set: function (a, b) { if (f.isArray(b)) return a.checked = f.inArray(f(a).val(), b) >= 0 } }) }); var x = /\.(.*)$/, y = /^(?:textarea|input|select)$/i, z = /\./g, A = / /g, B = /[^\w\s.|']/g, C = function (a) { return a }; f.event = { add: function (a, c, d, e) { if (a.nodeType !== 3 && a.nodeType !== 8) { if (d === !1) d = D; else if (!d) return; var g, h; d.handler && (g = d, d = g.handler), d.guid || (d.guid = f.guid++); var i = f._data(a); if (!i) return; var j = i.events, k = i.handle; j || (i.events = j = {}), k || (i.handle = k = function (a) { return typeof f != "undefined" && (!a || f.event.triggered !== a.type) ? f.event.handle.apply(k.elem, arguments) : b }), k.elem = a, c = c.split(" "); var l, m = 0, n; while (l = c[m++]) { h = g ? f.extend({}, g) : { handler: d, data: e }, l.indexOf(".") >-1 ? (n = l.split("."), l = n.shift(), h.namespace = n.slice(0).sort().join(".")) : (n = [], h.namespace = ""), h.type = l, h.guid || (h.guid = d.guid); var o = j[l], p = f.event.special[l] || {}; if (!o) { o = j[l] = []; if (!p.setup || p.setup.call(a, e, n, k) === !1) a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(l, k, !1) : a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent("on" + l, k) } p.add && (p.add.call(a, h), h.handler.guid || (h.handler.guid = d.guid)), o.push(h), f.event.klobal[l] = !0 } a = null } }, klobal: {}, remove: function (a, c, d, e) { if (a.nodeType !== 3 && a.nodeType !== 8) { d === !1 && (d = D); var g, h, i, j, k = 0, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s = f.hasData(a) && f._data(a), t = s && s.events; if (!s || !t) return; c && c.type && (d = c.handler, c = c.type); if (!c || typeof c == "string" && c.charAt(0) === ".") { c = c || ""; for (h in t) f.event.remove(a, h + c); return } c = c.split(" "); while (h = c[k++]) { r = h, q = null, l = h.indexOf(".") = 0 && (h = h.slice(0, -1), j = !0), h.indexOf(".") >= 0 && (i = h.split("."), h = i.shift(), i.sort()); if (!!e && !f.event.customEvent[h] || !!f.event.klobal[h]) { c = typeof c == "object" ? c[f.expando] ? c : new f.Event(h, c) : new f.Event(h), c.type = h, c.exclusive = j, c.namespace = i.join("."), c.namespace_re = new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + i.join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)"); if (g || !e) c.preventDefault(), c.stopPropagation(); if (!e) { f.each(f.cache, function () { var a = f.expando, b = this[a]; b && b.events && b.events[h] && f.event.trigger(c, d, b.handle.elem) }); return } if (e.nodeType === 3 || e.nodeType === 8) return; c.result = b, c.target = e, d = d != null ? f.makeArray(d) : [], d.unshift(c); var k = e, l = h.indexOf(":") -1 ? f.map(a.options, function (a) { return a.selected }).join("-") : "" : f.nodeName(a, "select") && (c = a.selectedIndex); return c }, J = function (c) { var d = c.target, e, g; if (!!y.test(d.nodeName) && !d.readOnly) { e = f._data(d, "_change_data"), g = I(d), (c.type !== "focusout" || d.type !== "radio") && f._data(d, "_change_data", g); if (e === b || g === e) return; if (e != null || g) c.type = "change", c.liveFired = b, f.event.trigger(c, arguments[1], d) } }; f.event.special.change = { filters: { focusout: J, beforedeactivate: J, click: function (a) { var b = a.target, c = f.nodeName(b, "input") ? b.type : ""; (c === "radio" || c === "checkbox" || f.nodeName(b, "select")) && J.call(this, a) }, keydown: function (a) { var b = a.target, c = f.nodeName(b, "input") ? b.type : ""; (a.keyCode === 13 && !f.nodeName(b, "textarea") || a.keyCode === 32 && (c === "checkbox" || c === "radio") || c === "select-multiple") && J.call(this, a) }, beforeactivate: function (a) { var b = a.target; f._data(b, "_change_data", I(b)) } }, setup: function (a, b) { if (this.type === "file") return !1; for (var c in H) f.event.add(this, c + ".specialChange", H[c]); return y.test(this.nodeName) }, teardown: function (a) { f.event.remove(this, ".specialChange"); return y.test(this.nodeName) } }, H = f.event.special.change.filters, H.focus = H.beforeactivate } f.support.focusinBubbles || f.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function (a, b) { function e(a) { var c = f.event.fix(a); c.type = b, c.originalEvent = {}, f.event.trigger(c, null, c.target), c.isDefaultPrevented() && a.preventDefault() } var d = 0; f.event.special[b] = { setup: function () { d++ === 0 && c.addEventListener(a, e, !0) }, teardown: function () { --d === 0 && c.removeEventListener(a, e, !0) } } }), f.each(["bind", "one"], function (a, c) { f.fn[c] = function (a, d, e) { var g; if (typeof a == "object") { for (var h in a) this[c](h, d, a[h], e); return this } if (arguments.length === 2 || d === !1) e = d, d = b; c === "one" ? (g = function (a) { f(this).unbind(a, g); return e.apply(this, arguments) }, g.guid = e.guid || f.guid++) : g = e; if (a === "unload" && c !== "one") this.one(a, d, e); else for (var i = 0, j = this.length; i 0 ? this.bind(b, a, c) : this.trigger(b) }, f.attrFn && (f.attrFn[b] = !0) }), function () { function u(a, b, c, d, e, f) { for (var g = 0, h = d.length; g 0) { j = i; break } } i = i[a] } d[g] = j } } } function t(a, b, c, d, e, f) { for (var g = 0, h = d.length; g +~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g, d = 0, e = Object.prototype.toString, g = !1, h = !0, i = /\\/g, j = /\W/; [0, 0].sort(function () { h = !1; return 0 }); var k = function (b, d, f, g) { f = f || [], d = d || c; var h = d; if (d.nodeType !== 1 && d.nodeType !== 9) return []; if (!b || typeof b != "string") return f; var i, j, n, o, q, r, s, t, u = !0, w = k.isXML(d), x = [], y = b; do { a.exec(""), i = a.exec(y); if (i) { y = i[3], x.push(i[1]); if (i[2]) { o = i[3]; break } } } while (i); if (x.length >1 && m.exec(b)) if (x.length === 2 && l.relative[x[0]]) j = v(x[0] + x[1], d); else { j = l.relative[x[0]] ? [d] : k(x.shift(), d); while (x.length) b = x.shift(), l.relative[b] && (b += x.shift()), j = v(b, j) } else { !g && x.length >1 && d.nodeType === 9 && !w && l.match.ID.test(x[0]) && !l.match.ID.test(x[x.length - 1]) && (q = k.find(x.shift(), d, w), d = q.expr ? k.filter(q.expr, q.set)[0] : q.set[0]); if (d) { q = g ? { expr: x.pop(), set: p(g)} : k.find(x.pop(), x.length === 1 && (x[0] === "~" || x[0] === "+") && d.parentNode ? d.parentNode : d, w), j = q.expr ? k.filter(q.expr, q.set) : q.set, x.length >0 ? n = p(j) : u = !1; while (x.length) r = x.pop(), s = r, l.relative[r] ? s = x.pop() : r = "", s == null && (s = d), l.relative[r](n, s, w) } else n = x = [] } n || (n = j), n || k.error(r || b); if (e.call(n) === "[object Array]") if (!u) f.push.apply(f, n); else if (d && d.nodeType === 1) for (t = 0; n[t] != null; t++) n[t] && (n[t] === !0 || n[t].nodeType === 1 && k.contains(d, n[t])) && f.push(j[t]); else for (t = 0; n[t] != null; t++) n[t] && n[t].nodeType === 1 && f.push(j[t]); else p(n, f); o && (k(o, h, f, g), k.uniqueSort(f)); return f }; k.uniqueSort = function (a) { if (r) { g = h, a.sort(r); if (g) for (var b = 1; b 0 }, k.find = function (a, b, c) { var d; if (!a) return []; for (var e = 0, f = l.order.length; e ": function (a, b) { var c, d = typeof b == "string", e = 0, f = a.length; if (d && !j.test(b)) { b = b.toLowerCase(); for (; e = 0) ? c || d.push(h) : c && (b[g] = !1)); return !1 }, ID: function (a) { return a[1] }, TAG: function (a, b) { return a[1].toLowerCase() }, CHILD: function (a) { if (a[1] === "nth") { a[2] || k.error(a[0]), a[2] = a[2]; var b = /(-?)(\d*)(?:n([+\-]?\d*))?/.exec(a[2] === "even" && "2n" || a[2] === "odd" && "2n+1" || !/\D/.test(a[2]) && "0n+" + a[2] || a[2]); a[2] = b[1] + (b[2] || 1) - 0, a[3] = b[3] - 0 } else a[2] && k.error(a[0]); a[0] = d++; return a }, ATTR: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { var g = a[1] = a[1]; !f && l.attrMap[g] && (a[1] = l.attrMap[g]), a[4] = (a[4] || a[5] || ""), a[2] === "~=" && (a[4] = " " + a[4] + " "); return a }, PSEUDO: function (b, c, d, e, f) { if (b[1] === "not") if ((a.exec(b[3]) || "").length >1 || /^\w/.test(b[3])) b[3] = k(b[3], null, null, c); else { var g = k.filter(b[3], c, d, !0 ^ f); d || e.push.apply(e, g); return !1 } else if (l.match.POS.test(b[0]) || l.match.CHILD.test(b[0])) return !0; return b }, POS: function (a) { a.unshift(!0); return a } }, filters: { enabled: function (a) { return a.disabled === !1 && a.type !== "hidden" }, disabled: function (a) { return a.disabled === !0 }, checked: function (a) { return a.checked === !0 }, selected: function (a) { a.parentNode && a.parentNode.selectedIndex; return a.selected === !0 }, parent: function (a) { return !!a.firstChild }, empty: function (a) { return !a.firstChild }, has: function (a, b, c) { return !!k(c[3], a).length }, header: function (a) { return /h\d/i.test(a.nodeName) }, text: function (a) { var b = a.getAttribute("type"), c = a.type; return a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "text" === c && (b === c || b === null) }, radio: function (a) { return a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "radio" === a.type }, checkbox: function (a) { return a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "checkbox" === a.type }, file: function (a) { return a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "file" === a.type }, password: function (a) { return a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "password" === a.type }, submit: function (a) { var b = a.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return (b === "input" || b === "button") && "submit" === a.type }, image: function (a) { return a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "image" === a.type }, reset: function (a) { var b = a.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return (b === "input" || b === "button") && "reset" === a.type }, button: function (a) { var b = a.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return b === "input" && "button" === a.type || b === "button" }, input: function (a) { return /input|select|textarea|button/i.test(a.nodeName) }, focus: function (a) { return a === a.ownerDocument.activeElement } }, setFilters: { first: function (a, b) { return b === 0 }, last: function (a, b, c, d) { return b === d.length - 1 }, even: function (a, b) { return b % 2 === 0 }, odd: function (a, b) { return b % 2 === 1 }, lt: function (a, b, c) { return b c[3] - 0 }, nth: function (a, b, c) { return c[3] - 0 === b }, eq: function (a, b, c) { return c[3] - 0 === b } }, filter: { PSEUDO: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = b[1], f = l.filters[e]; if (f) return f(a, c, b, d); if (e === "contains") return (a.textContent || a.innerText || k.getText([a]) || "").indexOf(b[3]) >= 0; if (e === "not") { var g = b[3]; for (var h = 0, i = g.length; h = 0 } }, ID: function (a, b) { return a.nodeType === 1 && a.getAttribute("id") === b }, TAG: function (a, b) { return b === "*" && a.nodeType === 1 || a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === b }, CLASS: function (a, b) { return (" " + (a.className || a.getAttribute("class")) + " ").indexOf(b) >-1 }, ATTR: function (a, b) { var c = b[1], d = l.attrHandle[c] ? l.attrHandle[c](a) : a[c] != null ? a[c] : a.getAttribute(c), e = d + "", f = b[2], g = b[4]; return d == null ? f === "!=" : f === "=" ? e === g : f === "*=" ? e.indexOf(g) >= 0 : f === "~=" ? (" " + e + " ").indexOf(g) >= 0 : g ? f === "!=" ? e !== g : f === "^=" ? e.indexOf(g) === 0 : f === "$=" ? e.substr(e.length - g.length) === g : f === "|=" ? e === g || e.substr(0, g.length + 1) === g + "-" : !1 : e && d !== !1 }, POS: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = b[2], f = l.setFilters[e]; if (f) return f(a, c, b, d) } } }, m = l.match.POS, n = function (a, b) { return "\\" + (b - 0 + 1) }; for (var o in l.match) l.match[o] = new RegExp(l.match[o].source + /(?![^\[]*\])(?![^\(]*\))/.source), l.leftMatch[o] = new RegExp(/(^(?:.|\r|\n)*?)/.source + l.match[o].source); var p = function (a, b) { a = Array.prototype.slice.call(a, 0); if (b) { b.push.apply(b, a); return b } return a }; try { Array.prototype.slice.call(c.documentElement.childNodes, 0)[0].nodeType } catch (q) { p = function (a, b) { var c = 0, d = b || []; if (e.call(a) === "[object Array]") Array.prototype.push.apply(d, a); else if (typeof a.length == "number") for (var f = a.length; c ", e.insertBefore(a, e.firstChild), c.getElementById(d) && (l.find.ID = function (a, c, d) { if (typeof c.getElementById != "undefined" && !d) { var e = c.getElementById(a[1]); return e ? e.id === a[1] || typeof e.getAttributeNode != "undefined" && e.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue === a[1] ? [e] : b : [] } }, l.filter.ID = function (a, b) { var c = typeof a.getAttributeNode != "undefined" && a.getAttributeNode("id"); return a.nodeType === 1 && c && c.nodeValue === b }), e.removeChild(a), e = a = null } (), function () { var a = c.createElement("div"); a.appendChild(c.createComment("")), a.getElementsByTagName("*").length >0 && (l.find.TAG = function (a, b) { var c = b.getElementsByTagName(a[1]); if (a[1] === "*") { var d = []; for (var e = 0; c[e]; e++) c[e].nodeType === 1 && d.push(c[e]); c = d } return c }), a.innerHTML = "", a.firstChild && typeof a.firstChild.getAttribute != "undefined" && a.firstChild.getAttribute("href") !== "#" && (l.attrHandle.href = function (a) { return a.getAttribute("href", 2) }), a = null } (), c.querySelectorAll && function () { var a = k, b = c.createElement("div"), d = "__sizzle__"; b.innerHTML = ""; if (!b.querySelectorAll || b.querySelectorAll(".TEST").length !== 0) { k = function (b, e, f, g) { e = e || c; if (!g && !k.isXML(e)) { var h = /^(\w+$)|^\.([\w\-]+$)|^#([\w\-]+$)/.exec(b); if (h && (e.nodeType === 1 || e.nodeType === 9)) { if (h[1]) return p(e.getElementsByTagName(b), f); if (h[2] && l.find.CLASS && e.getElementsByClassName) return p(e.getElementsByClassName(h[2]), f) } if (e.nodeType === 9) { if (b === "body" && e.body) return p([e.body], f); if (h && h[3]) { var i = e.getElementById(h[3]); if (!i || !i.parentNode) return p([], f); if (i.id === h[3]) return p([i], f) } try { return p(e.querySelectorAll(b), f) } catch (j) { } } else if (e.nodeType === 1 && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object") { var m = e, n = e.getAttribute("id"), o = n || d, q = e.parentNode, r = /^\s*[+~]/.test(b); n ? o = o : e.setAttribute("id", o), r && q && (e = e.parentNode); try { if (!r || q) return p(e.querySelectorAll("[id='" + o + "'] " + b), f) } catch (s) { } finally { n || m.removeAttribute("id") } } } return a(b, e, f, g) }; for (var e in a) k[e] = a[e]; b = null } } (), function () { var a = c.documentElement, b = a.matchesSelector || a.mozMatchesSelector || a.webkitMatchesSelector || a.msMatchesSelector; if (b) { var d = !b.call(c.createElement("div"), "div"), e = !1; try { b.call(c.documentElement, "[test!='']:sizzle") } catch (f) { e = !0 } k.matchesSelector = function (a, c) { c = c; if (!k.isXML(a)) try { if (e || !l.match.PSEUDO.test(c) && !/!=/.test(c)) { var f = b.call(a, c); if (f || !d || a.document && a.document.nodeType !== 11) return f } } catch (g) { } return k(c, null, null, [a]).length >0 } } } (), function () { var a = c.createElement("div"); a.innerHTML = "
"; if (!!a.getElementsByClassName && a.getElementsByClassName("e").length !== 0) { a.lastChild.className = "e"; if (a.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 1) return; l.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS"), l.find.CLASS = function (a, b, c) { if (typeof b.getElementsByClassName != "undefined" && !c) return b.getElementsByClassName(a[1]) }, a = null } } (), c.documentElement.contains ? k.contains = function (a, b) { return a !== b && (a.contains ? a.contains(b) : !0) } : c.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ? k.contains = function (a, b) { return !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16) } : k.contains = function () { return !1 }, k.isXML = function (a) { var b = (a ? a.ownerDocument || a : 0).documentElement; return b ? b.nodeName !== "HTML" : !1 }; var v = function (a, b) { var c, d = [], e = "", f = b.nodeType ? [b] : b; while (c = l.match.PSEUDO.exec(a)) e += c[0], a = a; a = l.relative[a] ? a + "*" : a; for (var g = 0, h = f.length; g 0) for (h = g; h 0 : this.filter(a).length >0) }, closest: function (a, b) { var c = [], d, e, g = this[0]; if (f.isArray(a)) { var h, i, j = {}, k = 1; if (g && a.length) { for (d = 0, e = a.length; d -1 : f(g).is(h)) && c.push({ selector: i, elem: g, level: k }); g = g.parentNode, k++ } } return c } var l = T.test(a) || typeof a != "string" ? f(a, b || this.context) : 0; for (d = 0, e = this.length; d -1 : f.find.matchesSelector(g, a)) { c.push(g); break } g = g.parentNode; if (!g || !g.ownerDocument || g === b || g.nodeType === 11) break } } c = c.length >1 ? f.unique(c) : c; return this.pushStack(c, "closest", a) }, index: function (a) { if (!a || typeof a == "string") return f.inArray(this[0], a ? f(a) : this.parent().children()); return f.inArray(a.jquery ? a[0] : a, this) }, add: function (a, b) { var c = typeof a == "string" ? f(a, b) : f.makeArray(a && a.nodeType ? [a] : a), d = f.merge(this.get(), c); return this.pushStack(V(c[0]) || V(d[0]) ? d : f.unique(d)) }, andSelf: function () { return this.add(this.prevObject) } }), f.each({ parent: function (a) { var b = a.parentNode; return b && b.nodeType !== 11 ? b : null }, parents: function (a) { return f.dir(a, "parentNode") }, parentsUntil: function (a, b, c) { return f.dir(a, "parentNode", c) }, next: function (a) { return f.nth(a, 2, "nextSibling") }, prev: function (a) { return f.nth(a, 2, "previousSibling") }, nextAll: function (a) { return f.dir(a, "nextSibling") }, prevAll: function (a) { return f.dir(a, "previousSibling") }, nextUntil: function (a, b, c) { return f.dir(a, "nextSibling", c) }, prevUntil: function (a, b, c) { return f.dir(a, "previousSibling", c) }, siblings: function (a) { return f.sibling(a.parentNode.firstChild, a) }, children: function (a) { return f.sibling(a.firstChild) }, contents: function (a) { return f.nodeName(a, "") ? a.contentDocument || a.contentWindow.document : f.makeArray(a.childNodes) } }, function (a, b) { f.fn[a] = function (c, d) { var e = f.map(this, b, c), g = S.call(arguments); O.test(a) || (d = c), d && typeof d == "string" && (e = f.filter(d, e)), e = this.length >1 && !U[a] ? f.unique(e) : e, (this.length >1 || Q.test(d)) && P.test(a) && (e = e.reverse()); return this.pushStack(e, a, g.join(",")) } }), f.extend({ filter: function (a, b, c) { c && (a = ":not(" + a + ")"); return b.length === 1 ? f.find.matchesSelector(b[0], a) ? [b[0]] : [] : f.find.matches(a, b) }, dir: function (a, c, d) { var e = [], g = a[c]; while (g && g.nodeType !== 9 && (d === b || g.nodeType !== 1 || !f(g).is(d))) g.nodeType === 1 && e.push(g), g = g[c]; return e }, nth: function (a, b, c, d) { b = b || 1; var e = 0; for (; a; a = a[c]) if (a.nodeType === 1 && ++e === b) break; return a }, sibling: function (a, b) { var c = []; for (; a; a = a.nextSibling) a.nodeType === 1 && a !== b && c.push(a); return c } }); var X = / jQuery\d+="(?:\d+|null)"/g, Y = /^\s+/, Z = /]*)\/>/ig, $ = /", ""], legend: [1, "", ""], thead: [1, "", ""], tr: [2, "", ""], td: [3, "", ""], col: [2, "", "
"], area: [1, "", ""], _default: [0, "", ""] }; bf.optgroup = bf.option, bf.tbody = bf.tfoot = bf.colgroup = bf.caption = bf.thead, bf.th = bf.td, f.support.htmlSerialize || (bf._default = [1, "div", ""]), f.fn.extend({ text: function (a) { if (f.isFunction(a)) return this.each(function (b) { var c = f(this); c.text(a.call(this, b, c.text())) }); if (typeof a != "object" && a !== b) return this.empty().append((this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument || c).createTextNode(a)); return f.text(this) }, wrapAll: function (a) { if (f.isFunction(a)) return this.each(function (b) { f(this).wrapAll(a.call(this, b)) }); if (this[0]) { var b = f(a, this[0].ownerDocument).eq(0).clone(!0); this[0].parentNode && b.insertBefore(this[0]), b.map(function () { var a = this; while (a.firstChild && a.firstChild.nodeType === 1) a = a.firstChild; return a }).append(this) } return this }, wrapInner: function (a) { if (f.isFunction(a)) return this.each(function (b) { f(this).wrapInner(a.call(this, b)) }); return this.each(function () { var b = f(this), c = b.contents(); c.length ? c.wrapAll(a) : b.append(a) }) }, wrap: function (a) { return this.each(function () { f(this).wrapAll(a) }) }, unwrap: function () { return this.parent().each(function () { f.nodeName(this, "body") || f(this) }).end() }, append: function () { return this.domManip(arguments, !0, function (a) { this.nodeType === 1 && this.appendChild(a) }) }, prepend: function () { return this.domManip(arguments, !0, function (a) { this.nodeType === 1 && this.insertBefore(a, this.firstChild) }) }, before: function () { if (this[0] && this[0].parentNode) return this.domManip(arguments, !1, function (a) { this.parentNode.insertBefore(a, this) }); if (arguments.length) { var a = f(arguments[0]); a.push.apply(a, this.toArray()); return this.pushStack(a, "before", arguments) } }, after: function () { if (this[0] && this[0].parentNode) return this.domManip(arguments, !1, function (a) { this.parentNode.insertBefore(a, this.nextSibling) }); if (arguments.length) { var a = this.pushStack(this, "after", arguments); a.push.apply(a, f(arguments[0]).toArray()); return a } }, remove: function (a, b) { for (var c = 0, d; (d = this[c]) != null; c++) if (!a || f.filter(a, [d]).length) !b && d.nodeType === 1 && (f.cleanData(d.getElementsByTagName("*")), f.cleanData([d])), d.parentNode && d.parentNode.removeChild(d); return this }, empty: function () { for (var a = 0, b; (b = this[a]) != null; a++) { b.nodeType === 1 && f.cleanData(b.getElementsByTagName("*")); while (b.firstChild) b.removeChild(b.firstChild) } return this }, clone: function (a, b) { a = a == null ? !1 : a, b = b == null ? a : b; return this.map(function () { return f.clone(this, a, b) }) }, html: function (a) { if (a === b) return this[0] && this[0].nodeType === 1 ? this[0].innerHTML : null; if (typeof a == "string" && !bb.test(a) && (f.support.leadingWhitespace || !Y.test(a)) && !bf[($.exec(a) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase()]) { a = a; try { for (var c = 0, d = this.length; c 1 && l 0 ? this.clone(!0) : this).get(); f(e[h])[b](j), d = d.concat(j) } return this.pushStack(d, a, e.selector) } }), f.extend({ clone: function (a, b, c) { var d = a.cloneNode(!0), e, g, h; if ((!f.support.noCloneEvent || !f.support.noCloneChecked) && (a.nodeType === 1 || a.nodeType === 11) && !f.isXMLDoc(a)) { bi(a, d), e = bj(a), g = bj(d); for (h = 0; e[h]; ++h) bi(e[h], g[h]) } if (b) { bh(a, d); if (c) { e = bj(a), g = bj(d); for (h = 0; e[h]; ++h) bh(e[h], g[h]) } } e = g = null; return d }, clean: function (a, b, d, e) { var g; b = b || c, typeof b.createElement == "undefined" && (b = b.ownerDocument || b[0] && b[0].ownerDocument || c); var h = [], i; for (var j = 0, k; (k = a[j]) != null; j++) { typeof k == "number" && (k += ""); if (!k) continue; if (typeof k == "string") if (!ba.test(k)) k = b.createTextNode(k); else { k = k; var l = ($.exec(k) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase(), m = bf[l] || bf._default, n = m[0], o = b.createElement("div"); o.innerHTML = m[1] + k + m[2]; while (n--) o = o.lastChild; if (!f.support.tbody) { var p = _.test(k), q = l === "table" && !p ? o.firstChild && o.firstChild.childNodes : m[1] === "" && !p ? o.childNodes : []; for (i = q.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) f.nodeName(q[i], "tbody") && !q[i].childNodes.length && q[i].parentNode.removeChild(q[i]) } !f.support.leadingWhitespace && Y.test(k) && o.insertBefore(b.createTextNode(Y.exec(k)[0]), o.firstChild), k = o.childNodes } var r; if (!f.support.appendChecked) if (k[0] && typeof (r = k.length) == "number") for (i = 0; i = 0) return b + "px" } } }), f.support.opacity || (f.cssHooks.opacity = { get: function (a, b) { return bo.test((b && a.currentStyle ? a.currentStyle.filter : a.style.filter) || "") ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1) / 100 + "" : b ? "1" : "" }, set: function (a, b) { var c = a.style, d = a.currentStyle; c.zoom = 1; var e = f.isNaN(b) ? "" : "alpha(opacity=" + b * 100 + ")", g = d && d.filter || c.filter || ""; c.filter = bn.test(g) ? g : g + " " + e } }), f(function () { f.support.reliableMarginRight || (f.cssHooks.marginRight = { get: function (a, b) { var c; f.swap(a, { display: "inline-block" }, function () { b ? c = bx(a, "margin-right", "marginRight") : c = a.style.marginRight }); return c } }) }), c.defaultView && c.defaultView.getComputedStyle && (by = function (a, c) { var d, e, g; c = c.toLowerCase(); if (!(e = a.ownerDocument.defaultView)) return b; if (g = e.getComputedStyle(a, null)) d = g.getPropertyValue(c), d === "" && !f.contains(a.ownerDocument.documentElement, a) && (d = f.style(a, c)); return d }), c.documentElement.currentStyle && (bz = function (a, b) { var c, d = a.currentStyle && a.currentStyle[b], e = a.runtimeStyle && a.runtimeStyle[b], f = a.style; !bq.test(d) && br.test(d) && (c = f.left, e && (a.runtimeStyle.left = a.currentStyle.left), f.left = b === "fontSize" ? "1em" : d || 0, d = f.pixelLeft + "px", f.left = c, e && (a.runtimeStyle.left = e)); return d === "" ? "auto" : d }), bx = by || bz, f.expr && f.expr.filters && (f.expr.filters.hidden = function (a) { var b = a.offsetWidth, c = a.offsetHeight; return b === 0 && c === 0 || !f.support.reliableHiddenOffsets && (a.style.display || f.css(a, "display")) === "none" }, f.expr.filters.visible = function (a) { return !f.expr.filters.hidden(a) }); var bB = /%20/g, bC = /\[\]$/, bD = /\r?\n/g, bE = /#.*$/, bF = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)\r?$/mg, bG = /^(?:color|date|datetime|email|hidden|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week)$/i, bH = /^(?:about|app|app\-storage|.+\-extension|file|widget):$/, bI = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/, bJ = /^\/\//, bK = /\?/, bL = /"; f.extend(b.style, { position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0, margin: 0, border: 0, width: "1px", height: "1px", visibility: "hidden" }), b.innerHTML = j, a.insertBefore(b, a.firstChild), d = b.firstChild, e = d.firstChild, h = d.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild, this.doesNotAddBorder = e.offsetTop !== 5, this.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells = h.offsetTop === 5, e.style.position = "fixed", e.style.top = "20px", this.supportsFixedPosition = e.offsetTop === 20 || e.offsetTop === 15, e.style.position = e.style.top = "", d.style.overflow = "hidden", d.style.position = "relative", this.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible = e.offsetTop === -5, this.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = a.offsetTop !== i, a.removeChild(b), f.offset.initialize = f.noop }, bodyOffset: function (a) { var b = a.offsetTop, c = a.offsetLeft; f.offset.initialize(), f.offset.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset && (b += parseFloat(f.css(a, "marginTop")) || 0, c += parseFloat(f.css(a, "marginLeft")) || 0); return { top: b, left: c} }, setOffset: function (a, b, c) { var d = f.css(a, "position"); d === "static" && (a.style.position = "relative"); var e = f(a), g = e.offset(), h = f.css(a, "top"), i = f.css(a, "left"), j = (d === "absolute" || d === "fixed") && f.inArray("auto", [h, i]) >-1, k = {}, l = {}, m, n; j ? (l = e.position(), m = l.top, n = l.left) : (m = parseFloat(h) || 0, n = parseFloat(i) || 0), f.isFunction(b) && (b = b.call(a, c, g)), b.top != null && (k.top = b.top - g.top + m), b.left != null && (k.left = b.left - g.left + n), "using" in b ? b.using.call(a, k) : e.css(k) } }, f.fn.extend({ position: function () { if (!this[0]) return null; var a = this[0], b = this.offsetParent(), c = this.offset(), d = cu.test(b[0].nodeName) ? { top: 0, left: 0} : b.offset(); c.top -= parseFloat(f.css(a, "marginTop")) || 0, c.left -= parseFloat(f.css(a, "marginLeft")) || 0, d.top += parseFloat(f.css(b[0], "borderTopWidth")) || 0, d.left += parseFloat(f.css(b[0], "borderLeftWidth")) || 0; return { top: c.top - d.top, left: c.left - d.left} }, offsetParent: function () { return this.map(function () { var a = this.offsetParent || c.body; while (a && !cu.test(a.nodeName) && f.css(a, "position") === "static") a = a.offsetParent; return a }) } }), f.each(["Left", "Top"], function (a, c) { var d = "scroll" + c; f.fn[d] = function (c) { var e, g; if (c === b) { e = this[0]; if (!e) return null; g = cv(e); return g ? 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"margin" : "border")) : null }, f.fn[d] = function (a) { var e = this[0]; if (!e) return a == null ? null : this; if (f.isFunction(a)) return this.each(function (b) { var c = f(this); c[d](a.call(this, b, c[d]())) }); if (f.isWindow(e)) { var g = e.document.documentElement["client" + c]; return e.document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" && g || e.document.body["client" + c] || g } if (e.nodeType === 9) return Math.max(e.documentElement["client" + c], e.body["scroll" + c], e.documentElement["scroll" + c], e.body["offset" + c], e.documentElement["offset" + c]); if (a === b) { var h = f.css(e, d), i = parseFloat(h); return f.isNaN(i) ? h : i } return this.css(d, typeof a == "string" ? a : a + "px") } }), a.jQuery = a.$ = f })(window); /*! jQuery UI - v1.8.22 - 2012-07-24*/
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"selectstart" : "mousedown") + ".ui-disableSelection", function (a) { a.preventDefault() }) }, enableSelection: function () { return this.unbind(".ui-disableSelection") } }), a("").outerWidth(1).jquery || a.each(["Width", "Height"], function (c, d) { function h(b, c, d, f) { return a.each(e, function () { c -= parseFloat(a.curCSS(b, "padding" + this, !0)) || 0, d && (c -= parseFloat(a.curCSS(b, "border" + this + "Width", !0)) || 0), f && (c -= parseFloat(a.curCSS(b, "margin" + this, !0)) || 0) }), c } var e = d === "Width" ? ["Left", "Right"] : ["Top", "Bottom"], f = d.toLowerCase(), g = { innerWidth: a.fn.innerWidth, innerHeight: a.fn.innerHeight, outerWidth: a.fn.outerWidth, outerHeight: a.fn.outerHeight }; a.fn["inner" + d] = function (c) { return c === b ? g["inner" + d].call(this) : this.each(function () { a(this).css(f, h(this, c) + "px") }) }, a.fn["outer" + d] = function (b, c) { return typeof b != "number" ? g["outer" + d].call(this, b) : this.each(function () { a(this).css(f, h(this, b, !0, c) + "px") }) } }), a.extend(a.expr[":"], { data: a.expr.createPseudo ? a.expr.createPseudo(function (b) { return function (c) { return !!a.data(c, b) } }) : function (b, c, d) { return !!a.data(b, d[3]) }, focusable: function (b) { return c(b, !isNaN(a.attr(b, "tabindex"))) }, tabbable: function (b) { var d = a.attr(b, "tabindex"), e = isNaN(d); return (e || d >= 0) && c(b, !e) } }), a(function () { var b = document.body, c = b.appendChild(c = document.createElement("div")); c.offsetHeight, a.extend(c.style, { minHeight: "100px", height: "auto", padding: 0, borderWidth: 0 }), a.support.minHeight = c.offsetHeight === 100, a.support.selectstart = "onselectstart" in c, b.removeChild(c).style.display = "none" }), a.curCSS || (a.curCSS = a.css), a.extend(a.ui, { plugin: { add: function (b, c, d) { var e = a.ui[b].prototype; for (var f in d) e.plugins[f] = e.plugins[f] || [], e.plugins[f].push([c, d[f]]) }, call: function (a, b, c) { var d = a.plugins[b]; if (!d || !a.element[0].parentNode) return; for (var e = 0; e 0 ? !0 : (b[d] = 1, e = b[d] >0, b[d] = 0, e) }, isOverAxis: function (a, b, c) { return a >b && a = 9 || !!b.button ? this._mouseStarted ? (this._mouseDrag(b), b.preventDefault()) : (this._mouseDistanceMet(b) && this._mouseDelayMet(b) && (this._mouseStarted = this._mouseStart(this._mouseDownEvent, b) !== !1, this._mouseStarted ? this._mouseDrag(b) : this._mouseUp(b)), !this._mouseStarted) : this._mouseUp(b) }, _mouseUp: function (b) { return a(document).unbind("mousemove." + this.widgetName, this._mouseMoveDelegate).unbind("mouseup." + this.widgetName, this._mouseUpDelegate), this._mouseStarted && (this._mouseStarted = !1, b.target == this._mouseDownEvent.target && a.data(b.target, this.widgetName + ".preventClickEvent", !0), this._mouseStop(b)), !1 }, _mouseDistanceMet: function (a) { return Math.max(Math.abs(this._mouseDownEvent.pageX - a.pageX), Math.abs(this._mouseDownEvent.pageY - a.pageY)) >= this.options.distance }, _mouseDelayMet: function (a) { return this.mouseDelayMet }, _mouseStart: function (a) { }, _mouseDrag: function (a) { }, _mouseStop: function (a) { }, _mouseCapture: function (a) { return !0 } }) })(jQuery); ;
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" ui-slider-range-" + d.range : ""))); for (var i = e.length; i c && (f = c, g = a(this), i = b) }), c.range === !0 && this.values(1) === c.min && (i += 1, g = a(this.handles[i])), j = this._start(b, i), j === !1 ? !1 : (this._mouseSliding = !0, h._handleIndex = i, g.addClass("ui-state-active").focus(), k = g.offset(), l = !a(b.target).parents().andSelf().is(".ui-slider-handle"), this._clickOffset = l ? { left: 0, top: 0} : { left: b.pageX - k.left - g.width() / 2, top: b.pageY - k.top - g.height() / 2 - (parseInt(g.css("borderTopWidth"), 10) || 0) - (parseInt(g.css("borderBottomWidth"), 10) || 0) + (parseInt(g.css("marginTop"), 10) || 0) }, this.handles.hasClass("ui-state-hover") || this._slide(b, i, e), this._animateOff = !0, !0)) }, _mouseStart: function (a) { return !0 }, _mouseDrag: function (a) { var b = { x: a.pageX, y: a.pageY }, c = this._normValueFromMouse(b); return this._slide(a, this._handleIndex, c), !1 }, _mouseStop: function (a) { return this.handles.removeClass("ui-state-active"), this._mouseSliding = !1, this._stop(a, this._handleIndex), this._change(a, this._handleIndex), this._handleIndex = null, this._clickOffset = null, this._animateOff = !1, !1 }, _detectOrientation: function () { this.orientation = this.options.orientation === "vertical" ? "vertical" : "horizontal" }, _normValueFromMouse: function (a) { var b, c, d, e, f; return this.orientation === "horizontal" ? (b = this.elementSize.width, c = a.x - this.elementOffset.left - (this._clickOffset ? this._clickOffset.left : 0)) : (b = this.elementSize.height, c = a.y - this.elementOffset.top - (this._clickOffset ? this._clickOffset.top : 0)), d = c / b, d >1 && (d = 1), d d || b === 1 && c 1) { this.options.values[b] = this._trimAlignValue(c), this._refreshValue(), this._change(null, b); return } if (!arguments.length) return this._values(); if (!a.isArray(arguments[0])) return this.options.values && this.options.values.length ? this._values(b) : this.value(); d = this.options.values, e = arguments[0]; for (f = 0; f = this._valueMax()) return this._valueMax(); var b = this.options.step >0 ? this.options.step : 1, c = (a - this._valueMin()) % b, d = a - c; return Math.abs(c) * 2 >= b && (d += c >0 ? b : -b), parseFloat(d.toFixed(5)) }, _valueMin: function () { return this.options.min }, _valueMax: function () { return this.options.max }, _refreshValue: function () { var b = this.options.range, c = this.options, d = this, e = this._animateOff ? !1 : c.animate, f, g = {}, h, i, j, k; this.options.values && this.options.values.length ? this.handles.each(function (b, i) { f = (d.values(b) - d._valueMin()) / (d._valueMax() - d._valueMin()) * 100, g[d.orientation === "horizontal" ? "left" : "bottom"] = f + "%", a(this).stop(1, 1)[e ? "animate" : "css"](g, c.animate), d.options.range === !0 && (d.orientation === "horizontal" ? (b === 0 && d.range.stop(1, 1)[e ? "animate" : "css"]({ left: f + "%" }, c.animate), b === 1 && d.range[e ? "animate" : "css"]({ width: f - h + "%" }, { queue: !1, duration: c.animate })) : (b === 0 && d.range.stop(1, 1)[e ? "animate" : "css"]({ bottom: f + "%" }, c.animate), b === 1 && d.range[e ? "animate" : "css"]({ height: f - h + "%" }, { queue: !1, duration: c.animate }))), h = f }) : (i = this.value(), j = this._valueMin(), k = this._valueMax(), f = k !== j ? (i - j) / (k - j) * 100 : 0, g[d.orientation === "horizontal" ? "left" : "bottom"] = f + "%", this.handle.stop(1, 1)[e ? "animate" : "css"](g, c.animate), b === "min" && this.orientation === "horizontal" && this.range.stop(1, 1)[e ? "animate" : "css"]({ width: f + "%" }, c.animate), b === "max" && this.orientation === "horizontal" && this.range[e ? "animate" : "css"]({ width: 100 - f + "%" }, { queue: !1, duration: c.animate }), b === "min" && this.orientation === "vertical" && this.range.stop(1, 1)[e ? "animate" : "css"]({ height: f + "%" }, c.animate), b === "max" && this.orientation === "vertical" && this.range[e ? "animate" : "css"]({ height: 100 - f + "%" }, { queue: !1, duration: c.animate })) } }), a.extend(a.ui.slider, { version: "1.8.22" }) })(jQuery); ; /*tablet pc touch support*/
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aLarge[43].realImageIndex = 43; aLarge[44] = new Image();
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aLarge[50].realImageIndex = 50; aLarge[51] = new Image();
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} EBizAutos 2005 Larson Senza PHOTOS
VIDEOS Photo 1 of 58
Request More Info VIN:
1L8UAAMF05A020381 Stock #:
020381 Condition:
Used Clear Title
5.0 V8 Exterior Color: White
MORE PHOTOS & DETAILS Additional Photos Vehicle Overview
2005 Larson Senza VEC 190 Roundabout Boat With A Volvo5.0 V8,
If Your Looking For Fun That The Whole Family Can Enjoy Then Look No Further!!!!!! This 2005 Larson Boat Is In Great Condition. The Previous Owner Had Pride In Ownership And It Shows!!! Just Take A Look At The Pictures The White Exterior Is InSuper CleanShape And Looks Great With The WhiteBlue Gray Color Combination Is A Must See!!! STANDARD EQUIPMENT: In-Floor Ski Storage, Molded fiberglass Larson Senza, Retractable swim ladder with Grab handle, Ski Tow Ring, Clear walk-thru windshield, Concealed electric horn, Beverage holders throughout It, Passenger grab handle, Deluxe Instrumentation Which Includes The Following Silver Faced Gauges With: speedometer, tachometer, fuel, trim, water temperature, oil pressure, and volt meter And Tons More Here At Sullivan Motors We Take Pride In Finding Unique Vehicles And Provide Them To Our Valued Customers At The Markets Very Best Prices. If you have any questions please give us a call.***CALL STEVE phone***This Is A Sunny Arizona New Car Trade. You Can Buy this Vehicle From Where New Car Dealer In Arizona Buy Their Pre Owned Cars From And Save Big $$$$
Sales Policy: Place a bid or Buy It Now - only if you're serious about buying the item. If you are the winner of an item(s), you will enter into a legally binding contract to purchase the item. Payment Terms: The successful high bidder will submit a $500 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle. Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees $499 and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. If You Have Your Vehicle Shipped You Don't Have To Pay Taxes Here BUT IF YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE DEALERSHIP YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY AZ. STATE TAX OF 9.O5% Most States Are Reciprocal Which Means If You Pay Here You Don't Have To Pay In Your State.. Please Check With Your State To Find Out.. ******** NO TAXS ON CANADIAN BUYERS THEY ARE TAXS EXEMPT ******* THIS IS A USED CAR AND IS BEING SOLD AS IS WITH NO WARRANTEES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CANCEL THIS AUCTION AT ANY TIME DUE TO PRIOR LOCAL SALE. PLEASE ASK ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE PRIOR TO BIDDING. THANKS FOR LOOKING AND HAPPY BIDDING!!!! If you have any questions about this or any of my other auctions please feel free to contact me you can call Matt phone or Jon at phone Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you.
Buyer Resources
Financing Information Contact us today
for more information, or fill out our
Online Credit Application to begin the pre-approval process today.
Warranty Information Ask us about our special warranties
Shipping Information uShip is an auction style marketplace, where feedback rated USHIP auto transporters compete for your business.
List FREE! No Obligation to Accept Bids! Terms of Sale Overview We reserve the right to end this listing at anytime should the vehicle no longer be available for sale. The following terms of sale apply to all of our listings. Payment Terms:
The successful high bidder will submit a $1,000 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle.
Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. Payment Methods:
Cash (In Person), certified check, bank transfer, or 3rd-party financing. Fees and Taxes:
Out of state buyers are responsible for all state, county, city taxes and fees, as well as title/registration fees in the state that the vehicle will be registered. Contact Steve Eckhardt for more information
Request More Info
Quick Links Warranty Info Financing Info Shipping Info Terms of Sale Get A FreeCARFAX Record Check
Sullivan Motor Company Inc
Mesa AZ Contact Steve Eckhardt
Contact Steve Eckhardt for more information
Request More Info It is the customer's sole responsibility to verify the existence and condition of any equipment listed. Neither the dealership nor eBizAutos is responsible for misprints on prices or equipment. It is the customer's sole responsibility to verify the accuracy f the prices with the dealer. Copyright 2001-2014 eBizAutos.All Rights Reserved.
classifieds board Motors Softwareby eBizAutos
", "
EBizAutos 2005 Larson Senza PHOTOS
VIDEOS Photo 1 of 58
Request More Info VIN:
1L8UAAMF05A020381 Stock #:
020381 Condition:
Used Clear Title
5.0 V8 Exterior Color: White
MORE PHOTOS & DETAILS Additional Photos Vehicle Overview
2005 Larson Senza VEC 190 Roundabout Boat With A Volvo5.0 V8,
If Your Looking For Fun That The Whole Family Can Enjoy Then Look No Further!!!!!! This 2005 Larson Boat Is In Great Condition. The Previous Owner Had Pride In Ownership And It Shows!!! Just Take A Look At The Pictures The White Exterior Is InSuper CleanShape And Looks Great With The WhiteBlue Gray Color Combination Is A Must See!!! STANDARD EQUIPMENT: In-Floor Ski Storage, Molded fiberglass Larson Senza, Retractable swim ladder with Grab handle, Ski Tow Ring, Clear walk-thru windshield, Concealed electric horn, Beverage holders throughout It, Passenger grab handle, Deluxe Instrumentation Which Includes The Following Silver Faced Gauges With: speedometer, tachometer, fuel, trim, water temperature, oil pressure, and volt meter And Tons More Here At Sullivan Motors We Take Pride In Finding Unique Vehicles And Provide Them To Our Valued Customers At The Markets Very Best Prices. If you have any questions please give us a call.***CALL STEVE phone***This Is A Sunny Arizona New Car Trade. You Can Buy this Vehicle From Where New Car Dealer In Arizona Buy Their Pre Owned Cars From And Save Big $$$$
Sales Policy: Place a bid or Buy It Now - only if you're serious about buying the item. If you are the winner of an item(s), you will enter into a legally binding contract to purchase the item. Payment Terms: The successful high bidder will submit a $500 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle. Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees $499 and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. If You Have Your Vehicle Shipped You Don't Have To Pay Taxes Here BUT IF YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE DEALERSHIP YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY AZ. STATE TAX OF 9.O5% Most States Are Reciprocal Which Means If You Pay Here You Don't Have To Pay In Your State.. Please Check With Your State To Find Out.. ******** NO TAXS ON CANADIAN BUYERS THEY ARE TAXS EXEMPT ******* THIS IS A USED CAR AND IS BEING SOLD AS IS WITH NO WARRANTEES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CANCEL THIS AUCTION AT ANY TIME DUE TO PRIOR LOCAL SALE. PLEASE ASK ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE PRIOR TO BIDDING. THANKS FOR LOOKING AND HAPPY BIDDING!!!! If you have any questions about this or any of my other auctions please feel free to contact me you can call Matt phone or Jon at phone Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you.
Buyer Resources
Financing Information Contact us today
for more information, or fill out our
Online Credit Application to begin the pre-approval process today.
Warranty Information Ask us about our special warranties
Shipping Information uShip is an auction style marketplace, where feedback rated USHIP auto transporters compete for your business.
List FREE! No Obligation to Accept Bids! Terms of Sale Overview We reserve the right to end this listing at anytime should the vehicle no longer be available for sale. The following terms of sale apply to all of our listings. Payment Terms:
The successful high bidder will submit a $1,000 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle.
Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. Payment Methods:
Cash (In Person), certified check, bank transfer, or 3rd-party financing. Fees and Taxes:
Out of state buyers are responsible for all state, county, city taxes and fees, as well as title/registration fees in the state that the vehicle will be registered. Contact Steve Eckhardt for more information
Request More Info
Quick Links Warranty Info Financing Info Shipping Info Terms of Sale Get A FreeCARFAX Record Check
Sullivan Motor Company Inc
Mesa AZ Contact Steve Eckhardt
Contact Steve Eckhardt for more information
Request More Info It is the customer's sole responsibility to verify the existence and condition of any equipment listed. Neither the dealership nor eBizAutos is responsible for misprints on prices or equipment. It is the customer's sole responsibility to verify the accuracy of the prices with the dealer. Copyright 2001-2014 eBizAutos.All Rights Reserved.
classifieds board Motors Softwareby eBizAutos
EBizAutos 2005 Larson Senza PHOTOS
VIDEOS Photo 1 of 58
Request More Info VIN:
1L8UAAMF05A020381 Stock #:
020381 Condition:
Used Clear Title
5.0 V8 Exterior Color: White
MORE PHOTOS & DETAILS Additional Photos Vehicle Overview
2005 Larson Senza VEC 190 Roundabout Boat With A Volvo5.0 V8,
If Your Looking For Fun That The Whole Family Can Enjoy Then Look No Further!!!!!! This 2005 Larson Boat Is In Great Condition. The Previous Owner Had Pride In Ownership And It Shows!!! Just Take A Look At The Pictures The White Exterior Is InSuper CleanShape And Looks Great With The WhiteBlue Gray Color Combination Is A Must See!!! STANDARD EQUIPMENT: In-Floor Ski Storage, Molded fiberglass Larson Senza, Retractable swim ladder with Grab handle, Ski Tow Ring, Clear walk-thru windshield, Concealed electric horn, Beverage holders throughout It, Passenger grab handle, Deluxe Instrumentation Which Includes The Following Silver Faced Gauges With: speedometer, tachometer, fuel, trim, water temperature, oil pressure, and volt meter And Tons More Here At Sullivan Motors We Take Pride In Finding Unique Vehicles And Provide Them To Our Valued Customers At The Markets Very Best Prices. If you have any questions please give us a call.***CALL STEVE phone***This Is A Sunny Arizona New Car Trade. You Can Buy this Vehicle From Where New Car Dealer In Arizona Buy Their Pre Owned Cars From And Save Big $$$$
Sales Policy: Place a bid or Buy It Now - only if you're serious about buying the item. If you are the winner of an item(s), you will enter into a legally binding contract to purchase the item. Payment Terms: The successful high bidder will submit a $500 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle. Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees $499 and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. If You Have Your Vehicle Shipped You Don't Have To Pay Taxes Here BUT IF YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE DEALERSHIP YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY AZ. STATE TAX OF 9.O5% Most States Are Reciprocal Which Means If You Pay Here You Don't Have To Pay In Your State.. Please Check With Your State To Find Out.. ******** NO TAXS ON CANADIAN BUYERS THEY ARE TAXS EXEMPT ******* THIS IS A USED CAR AND IS BEING SOLD AS IS WITH NO WARRANTEES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CANCEL THIS AUCTION AT ANY TIME DUE TO PRIOR LOCAL SALE. PLEASE ASK ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE PRIOR TO BIDDING. THANKS FOR LOOKING AND HAPPY BIDDING!!!! If you have any questions about this or any of my other auctions please feel free to contact me you can call Matt phone or Jon at phone Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you.
Buyer Resources
Financing Information Contact us today
for more information, or fill out our
Online Credit Application to begin the pre-approval process today.
Warranty Information Ask us about our special warranties
Shipping Information uShip is an auction style marketplace, where feedback rated USHIP auto transporters compete for your business.
List FREE! No Obligation to Accept Bids! Terms of Sale Overview We reserve the right to end this listing at anytime should the vehicle no longer be available for sale. The following terms of sale apply to all of our listings. Payment Terms:
The successful high bidder will submit a $1,000 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle.
Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. Payment Methods:
Cash (In Person), certified check, bank transfer, or 3rd-party financing. Fees and Taxes:
Out of state buyers are responsible for all state, county, city taxes and fees, as well as title/registration fees in the state that the vehicle will be registered. Contact Steve Eckhardt for more information
Request More Info
Quick Links Warranty Info Financing Info Shippin Info Terms of Sale Get A FreeCARFAX Record Check
Sullivan Motor Company Inc
Mesa AZ Contact Steve Eckhardt
Contact Steve Eckhardt for more information
Request More Info It is the customer's sole responsibility to verify the existence and condition of any equipment listed. Neither the dealership nor eBizAutos is responsible for misprints on prices or equipment. It is the customer's sole responsibility to verify the accuracy of the prices with the dealer. Copyright 2001-2014 eBizAutos.All Rights Reserved.
classifieds board Motors Softwareby eBizAutos
2005 Larson Senza PHOTOS
VIDEOS Photo 1 of 58
Request More Info VIN:
1L8UAAMF05A020381 Stock #:
020381 Condition:
Used Clear Title
5.0 V8 Exterior Color: White
MORE PHOTOS & DETAILS Additional Photos Vehicle Overview
2005 Larson Senza VEC 190 Roundabout Boat With A Volvo5.0 V8,
If Your Looking For Fun That The Whole Family Can Enjoy Then Look No Further!!!!!! This 2005 Larson Boat Is In Great Condition. The Previous Owner Had Pride In Ownership And It Shows!!! Just Take A Look At The Pictures The White Exterior Is InSuper CleanShape And Looks Great With The WhiteBlue Gray Color Combination Is A Must See!!! STANDARD EQUIPMENT: In-Floor Ski Storage, Molded fiberglass Larson Senza, Retractable swim ladder with Grab handle, Ski Tow Ring, Clear walk-thru windshield, Concealed electric horn, Beverage holders throughout It, Passenger grab handle, Deluxe Instrumentation Which Includes The Following Silver Faced Gauges With: speedometer, tachometer, fuel, trim, water temperature, oil pressure, and volt meter And Tons More Here At Sullivan Motors We Take Pride In Finding Unique Vehicles And Provide Them To Our Valued Customers At The Markets Very Best Prices. If you have any questions please give us a call.***CALL STEVE phone***This Is A Sunny Arizona New Car Trade. You Can Buy this Vehicle From Where New Car Dealer In Arizona Buy Their Pre Owned Cars From And Save Big $$$$
Sales Policy: Place a bid or Buy It Now - only if you're serious about buying the item. If you are the winner of an item(s), you will enter into a legally binding contract to purchase the item. Payment Terms: The successful high bidder will submit a $500 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle. Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees $499 and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. If You Have Your Vehicle Shipped You Don't Have To Pay Taxes Here BUT IF YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE DEALERSHIP YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY AZ. STATE TAX OF 9.O5% Most States Are Reciprocal Which Means If You Pay Here You Don't Have To Pay In Your State.. Please Check With Your State To Find Out.. ******** NO TAXS ON CANADIAN BUYERS THEY ARE TAXS EXEMPT ******* THIS IS A USED CAR AND IS BEING SOLD AS IS WITH NO WARRANTEES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CANCEL THIS AUCTION AT ANY TIME DUE TO PRIOR LOCAL SALE. PLEASE ASK ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE PRIOR TO BIDDING. THANKS FOR LOOKING AND HAPPY BIDDING!!!! If you have any questions about this or any of my other auctions please feel free to contact me you can call Matt phone or Jon at phone Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you.
Buyer Resources
Financing Information Contact us today
for more information, or fill out our
Online Credit Application to begin the pre-approval process today.
Warranty Information Ask us about our special warranties
Shipping Information uShip is an auction style marketplace, where feedback rated USHIP auto transporters compete for your business.
List FREE! No Obligation to Accept Bids! Terms of Sale Overview We reserve the right to end this listing at anytime should the vehicle no longer be available for sale. The following terms of sale apply to all of our listings. Payment Terms:
The successful high bidder will submit a $1,000 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle.
Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. Payment Methods:
Cash (In Person), certified check, bank transfer, or 3rd-party financing. Fees and Taxes:
Out of state buyers are responsible for all state, county, city taxes and fees, as well as title/rgistration fees in the state that the vehicle will be registered. Contact Steve Eckhardt for more information
Request More Info
Quick Links Warranty Info Financing Info Shipping Info Terms of Sale Get A FreeCARFAX Record Check
Sullivan Motor Company Inc
Mesa AZ Contact Steve Eckhardt
Contact Steve Eckhardt for more information
Request More Info 2005 Larson Senza PHOTOS
VIDEOS Photo 1 of 58
Request More Info VIN:
1L8UAAMF05A020381 Stock #:
020381 Condition:
Used Clear Title
5.0 V8 Exterior Color: White
MORE PHOTOS & DETAILS Additional Photos Vehicle Overview
2005 Larson Senza VEC 190 Roundabout Boat With A Volvo5.0 V8,
If Your Looking For Fun That The Whole Family Can Enjoy Then Look No Further!!!!!! This 2005 Larson Boat Is In Great Condition. The Previous Owner Had Pride In Ownership And It Shows!!! Just Take A Look At The Pictures The White Exterior Is InSuper CleanShape And Looks Great With The WhiteBlue Gray Color Combination Is A Must See!!! STANDARD EQUIPMENT: In-Floor Ski Storage, Molded fiberglass Larson Senza, Retractable swim ladder with Grab handle, Ski Tow Ring, Clear walk-thru windshield, Concealed electric horn, Beverage holders throughout It, Passenger grab handle, Deluxe Instrumentation Which Includes The Following Silver Faced Gauges With: speedometer, tachometer, fuel, trim, water temperature, oil pressure, and volt meter And Tons More Here At Sullivan Motors We Take Pride In Finding Unique Vehicles And Provide Them To Our Valued Customers At The Markets Very Best Prices. If you have any questions please give us a call.***CALL STEVE phone***This Is A Sunny Arizona New Car Trade. You Can Buy this Vehicle From Where New Car Dealer In Arizona Buy Their Pre Owned Cars From And Save Big $$$$
Sales Policy: Place a bid or Buy It Now - only if you're serious about buying the item. If you are the winner of an item(s), you will enter into a legally binding contract to purchase the item. Payment Terms: The successful high bidder will submit a $500 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle. Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees $499 and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. If You Have Your Vehicle Shipped You Don't Have To Pay Taxes Here BUT IF YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE DEALERSHIP YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY AZ. STATE TAX OF 9.O5% Most States Are Reciprocal Which Means If You Pay Here You Don't Have To Pay In Your State.. Please Check With Your State To Find Out.. ******** NO TAXS ON CANADIAN BUYERS THEY ARE TAXS EXEMPT ******* THIS IS A USED CAR AND IS BEING SOLD AS IS WITH NO WARRANTEES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CANCEL THIS AUCTION AT ANY TIME DUE TO PRIOR LOCAL SALE. PLEASE ASK ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE PRIOR TO BIDDING. THANKS FOR LOOKING AND HAPPY BIDDING!!!! If you have any questions about this or any of my other auctions please feel free to contact me you can call Matt phone or Jon at phone Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you.
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Shipping Information uShip is an auction style marketplace, where feedback rated USHIP auto transporters compete for your business.
List FREE! No Obligation to Accept Bids! Terms of Sale Overview We reserve the right to end this listing at anytime should the vehicle no longer be available for sale. The following terms of sale apply to all of our listings. Payment Terms:
The successful high bidder will submit a $1,000 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle.
Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. Payment Methods:
Cash (In Person), certified check, bank transfer, or 3rd-party financing. Fees and Taxes:
Out of state buyers are responsible for all state, county, city taxes and fees, as well as title/registration fees in the state that the vehicle will be registered. Contact Steve Eckhardt for more information
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Sullivan Motor Company Inc
Mesa AZ Contact Steve Eckhardt
Contact Steve Eckhardt for more information
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VIDEOS Photo 1 of 58
Request More Info VIN:
1L8UAAMF05A020381 Stock #:
020381 Condition:
Used Clear Title
5.0 V8 Exterior Color: White
VIDEOS Photo 1 of 58
Photo 1 of 58 Photo 1 of 58 Photo 1 of 58 Photo 1 of 58 Photo 1 of 58
Photo 1 of 58
Request More Info VIN:
1L8UAAMF05A020381 Stock #:
020381 Condition:
Used Clear Title
5.0 V8 Exterior Color: White Request More Info
1L8UAAMF05A020381 Stock #:
020381 Condition:
Used Clear Title
5.0 V8 Exterior Color: White
VIN:1L8UAAMF05A020381Stock #:020381Condition:Used Clear TitleEngine:5.0 V8Exterior Color:White PHOTO VIEWER
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Additional Photos Vehicle Overview
2005 Larson Senza VEC 190 Roundabout Boat With A Volvo5.0 V8,
If Your Looking For Fun That The Whole Family Can Enjoy Then Look No Further!!!!!! This 2005 Larson Boat Is In Great Condition. The Previous Owner Had Pride In Ownership And It Shows!!! Just Take A Look At The Pictures The White Exterior Is InSuper CleanShape And Looks Great With The WhiteBlue Gray Color Combination Is A Must See!!! STANDARD EQUIPMENT: In-Floor Ski Storage, Molded fiberglass Larson Senza, Retractable swim ladder with Grab handle, Ski Tow Ring, Clear walk-thru windshield, Concealed electric horn, Beverage holders throughout It, Passenger grab handle, Deluxe Instrumentation Which Includes The Following Silver Faced Gauges With: speedometer, tachometer, fuel, trim, water temperature, oil pressure, and volt meter And Tons More Here At Sullivan Motors We Take Pride In Finding Unique Vehicles And Provide Them To Our Valued Customers At The Markets Very Best Prices. If you have any questions please give us a call.***CALL STEVE phone***This Is A Sunny Arizona New Car Trade. You Can Buy this Vehicle From Where New Car Dealer In Arizona Buy Their Pre Owned Cars From And Save Big $$$$
Sales Policy: Place a bid or Buy It Now - only if you're serious about buying the item. If you are the winner of an item(s), you will enter into a legally binding contract to purchase the item. Payment Terms: The successful high bidder will submit a $500 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle. Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees $499 and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. If You Have Your Vehicle Shipped You Don't Have To Pay Taxes Here BUT IF YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE DEALERSHIP YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY AZ. STATE TAX OF 9.O5% Most States Are Reciprocal Which Means If You Pay Here You Don't Have To Pay In Your State.. Please Check With Your State To Find Out.. ******** NO TAXS ON CANADIAN BUYERS THEY ARE TAXS EXEMPT ******* THIS IS A USED CAR AND IS BEING SOLD AS IS WITH NO WARRANTEES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CANCEL THIS AUCTION AT ANY TIME DUE TO PRIOR LOCAL SALE. PLEASE ASK ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE PRIOR TO BIDDING. THANKS FOR LOOKING AND HAPPY BIDDING!!!! If you have any questions about this or any of my other auctions please feel free to contact me you can call Matt phone or Jon at phone Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you.
Vehicle Overview
2005 Larson Senza VEC 190 Roundabout Boat With A Volvo5.0 V8,
If Your Looking For Fun That The Whole Family Can Enjoy Then Look No Further!!!!!! This 2005 Larson Boat Is In Great Condition. The Previous Owner Had Pride In Ownership And It Shows!!! Just Take A Look At The Pictures The White Exterior Is InSuper CleanShape And Looks Great With The WhiteBlue Gray Color Combination Is A Must See!!! STANDARD EQUIPMENT: In-Floor Ski Storage, Molded fiberglass Larson Senza, Retractable swim ladder with Grab handle, Ski Tow Ring, Clear walk-thru windshield, Concealed electric horn, Beverage holders throughout It, Passenger grab handle, Deluxe Instrumentation Which Includes The Following Silver Faced Gauges With: speedometer, tachometer, fuel, trim, water temperature, oil pressure, and volt meter And Tons More Here At Sullivan Motors We Take Pride In Finding Unique Vehicles And Provide Them To Our Valued Customers At The Markets Very Best Prices. If you have any questions please give us a call.***CALL STEVE phone***This Is A Sunny Arizona New Car Trade. You Can Buy this Vehicle From Where New Car Dealer In Arizona Buy Their Pre Owned Cars From And Save Big $$$$
Sales Policy: Place a bid or Buy It Now - only if you're serious about buying the item. If you are the winner of an item(s), you will enter into a legally binding contract to purchase the item. Payment Terms: The successful high bidder will submit a $500 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle. Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees $499 and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. If You Have Your Vehicle Shipped You Don't Have To Pay Taxes Here BUT IF YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE DEALERSHIP YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY AZ. STATE TAX OF 9.O5% Most States Are Reciprocal Which Means If You Pay Here You Don't Have To Pay In Your State.. Please Check With Your State To Find Out.. ******** NO TAXS ON CANADIAN BUYERS THEY ARE TAXS EXEMPT ******* THIS IS A USED CAR AND IS BEING SOLD AS IS WITH NO WARRANTEES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CANCEL THIS AUCTION AT ANY TIME DUE TO PRIOR LOCAL SALE. PLEASE ASK ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE PRIOR TO BIDDING. THANKS FOR LOOKING AND HAPPY BIDDING!!!! If you have any questions about this or any of my other auctions please feel free to contact me you can call Matt phone or Jon at phone Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you.
Vehicle Overview
Vehicle Overview
2005 Larson Senza VEC 190 Roundabout Boat With A Volvo5.0 V8,
If Your Looking For Fun That The Whole Family Can Enjoy Then Look No Further!!!!!! This 2005 Larson Boat Is In Great Condition. The Previous Owner Had Pride In Ownership And It Shows!!! Just Take A Look At The Pictures The White Exterior Is InSuper CleanShape And Looks Great With The WhiteBlue Gray Color Combination Is A Must See!!! STANDARD EQUIPMENT: In-Floor Ski Storage, Molded fiberglass Larson Senza, Retractable swim ladder with Grab handle, Ski Tow Ring, Clear walk-thru windshield, Concealed electric horn, Beverage holders throughout It, Passenger grab handle, Deluxe Instrumentation Which Includes The Following Silver Faced Gauges With: speedometer, tachometer, fuel, trim, water temperature, oil pressure, and volt meter And Tons More Here At Sullivan Motors We Take Pride In Finding Unique Vehicles And Provide Them To Our Valued Customers At The Markets Very Best Prices. If you have any questions please give us a call.***CALL STEVE phone***This Is A Sunny Arizona New Car Trade. You Can Buy this Vehicle From Where New Car Dealer In Arizona Buy Their Pre Owned Cars From And Save Big $$$$
Sales Policy: Place a bid or Buy It Now - only if you're serious about buying the item. If you are the winner of an item(s), you will enter into a legally binding contract to purchase the item. Payment Terms: The successful high bidder will submit a $500 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle. Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees $499 and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. If You Have Your Vehicle Shipped You Don't Have To Pay Taxes Here BUT IF YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE DEALERSHIP YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY AZ. STATE TAX OF 9.O5% Most States Are Reciprocal Which Means If You Pay Here You Don't Have To Pay In Your State.. Please Check With Your State To Find Out.. ******** NO TAXS ON CANADIAN BUYERS THEY ARE TAXS EXEMPT ******* THIS IS A USED CAR AND IS BEING SOLD AS IS WITH NO WARRANTEES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CANCEL THIS AUCTION AT ANY TIME DUE TO PRIOR LOCAL SALE. PLEASE ASK ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE PRIOR TO BIDDING. THANKS FOR LOOKING AND HAPPY BIDDING!!!! If you have any questions about this or any of my other auctions please feel free to contact me you can call Matt phone or Jon at phone Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you.
2005 Larson Senza VEC 190 Roundabout Boat With A Volvo5.0 V8,
If Your Looking For Fun That The Whole Family Can Enjoy Then Look No Further!!!!!! This 2005 Larson Boat Is In Great Condition. The Previous Owner Had Pride In Ownership And It Shows!!! Just Take A Look At The Pictures The White Exterior Is InSuper CleanShape And Looks Great With The WhiteBlue Gray Color Combination Is A Must See!!! STANDARD EQUIPMENT: In-Floor Ski Storage, Molded fiberglass Larson Senza, Retractable swim ladder with Grab handle, Ski Tow Ring, Clear walk-thru windshield, Concealed electric horn, Beverage holders throughout It, Passenger grab handle, Deluxe Instrumentation Which Includes The Following Silver Faced Gauges With: speedometer, tachometer, fuel, trim, water temperature, oil pressure, and volt meter And Tons More Here At Sullivan Motors We Take Pride In Finding Unique Vehicles And Provide Them To Our Valued Customers At The Markets Very Best Prices. If you have any questions please give us a call.***CALL STEVE phone***This Is A Sunny Arizona New Car Trade. You Can Buy this Vehicle From Where New Car Dealer In Arizona Buy Their Pre Owned Cars From And Save Big $$$$
Sales Policy: Place a bid or Buy It Now - only if you're serious about buying the item. If you are the winner of an item(s), you will enter into a legally binding contract to purchase the item. Payment Terms: The successful high bidder will submit a $500 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle. Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees $499 and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. If You Have Your Vehicle Shipped You Don't Have To Pay Taxes Here BUT IF YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE DEALERSHIP YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY AZ. STATE TAX OF 9.O5% Most States Are Reciprocal Which Means If You Pay Here You Don't Have To Pay In Your State.. Please Check With Your State To Find Out.. ******** NO TAXS ON CANADIAN BUYERS THEY ARE TAXS EXEMPT ******* THIS IS A USED CAR AND IS BEING SOLD AS IS WITH NO WARRANTEES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CANCEL THIS AUCTION AT ANY TIME DUE TO PRIOR LOCAL SALE. PLEASE ASK ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE PRIOR TO BIDDING. THANKS FOR LOOKING AND HAPPY BIDDING!!!! If you have any questions about this or any of my other auctions please feel free to contact me you can call Matt phone or Jon at phone Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you.
2005 Larson Senza VEC 190 Roundabout Boat With A Volvo5.0 V8,
If Your Looking For Fun That The Whole Family Can Enjoy Then Look No Further!!!!!! This 2005 Larson Boat Is In Great Condition. The Previous Owner Had Pride In Ownership And It Shows!!! Just Take A Look At The Pictures The White Exterior Is InSuper CleanShape And Looks Great With The WhiteBlue Gray Color Combination Is A Must See!!! STANDARD EQUIPMENT: In-Floor Ski Storage, Molded fiberglass Larson Senza, Retractable swim ladder with Grab handle, Ski Tow Ring, Clear walk-thru windshield, Concealed electric horn, Beverage holders throughout It, Passenger grab handle, Deluxe Instrumentation Which Includes The Following Silver Faced Gauges With: speedometer, tachometer, fuel, trim, water temperature, oil pressure, and volt meter And Tons More Here At Sullivan Motors We Take Pride In Finding Unique Vehicles And Provide Them To Our Valued Customers At The Markets Very Best Prices. If you have any questions please give us a call.***CALL STEVE phone***This Is A Sunny Arizona New Car Trade. You Can Buy this Vehicle From Where New Car Dealer In Arizona Buy Their Pre Owned Cars From And Save Big $$$$
Sales Policy: Place a bid or Buy It Now - only if you're serious about buying the item. If you are the winner of an item(s), you will enter into a legally binding contract to purchase the item. Payment Terms: The successful high bidder will submit a $500 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle. Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees $499 and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. If You Have Your Vehicle Shipped You Don't Have To Pay Taxes Here BUT IF YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE DEALERSHIP YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY AZ. STATE TAX OF 9.O5% Most States Are Reciprocal Which Means If You Pay Here You Don't Have To Pay In Your State.. Please Check With Your State To Find Out.. ******** NO TAXS ON CANADIAN BUYERS THEY ARE TAXS EXEMPT ******* THIS IS A USED CAR AND IS BEING SOLD AS IS WITH NO WARRANTEES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CANCEL THIS AUCTION AT ANY TIME DUE TO PRIOR LOCAL SALE. PLEASE ASK ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE PRIOR TO BIDDING. THANKS FOR LOOKING AND HAPPY BIDDING!!!! If you have any questions about this or any of my other auctions please feel free to contact me you can call Matt phone or Jon at phone Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you.
2005 Larson Senza VEC 190 Roundabout Boat With A Volvo5.0 V8,
If Your Looking For Fun That The Whole Family Can Enjoy Then Look No Further!!!!!! This 2005 Larson Boat Is In Great Condition. The Previous Owner Had Pride In Ownership And It Shows!!! Just Take A Look At The Pictures The White Exterior Is InSuper CleanShape And Looks Great With The WhiteBlue Gray Color Combination Is A Must See!!! STANDARD EQUIPMENT: In-Floor Ski Storage, Molded fiberglass Larson Senza, Retractable swim ladder with Grab handle, Ski Tow Ring, Clear walk-thru windshield, Concealed electric horn, Beverage holders throughout It, Passenger grab handle, Deluxe Instrumentation Which Includes The Following Silver Faced Gauges With: speedometer, tachometer, fuel, trim, water temperature, oil pressure, and volt meter And Tons More Here At Sullivan Motors We Take Pride In Finding Unique Vehicles And Provide Them To Our Valued Customers At The Markets Very Best Prices. If you have any questions please give us a call.***CALL STEVE phone***This Is A Sunny Arizona New Car Trade. You Can Buy this Vehicle From Where New Car Dealer In Arizona Buy Their Pre Owned Cars From And Save Big $$$$
Sales Policy: Place a bid or Buy It Now - only if you're serious about buying the item. If you are the winner of an item(s), you will enter into a legally binding contract to purchase the item. Payment Terms: The successful high bidder will submit a $500 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle. Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees $499 and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. If You Have Your Vehicle Shipped You Don't Have To Pay Taxes Here BUT IF YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE DEALERSHIP YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY AZ. STATE TAX OF 9.O5% Most States Are Reciprocal Which Means If You Pay Here You Don't Have To Pay In Your State.. Please Check With Your State To Find Out.. ******** NO TAXS ON CANADIAN BUYERS THEY ARE TAXS EXEMPT ******* THIS IS A USED CAR AND IS BEING SOLD AS IS WITH NO WARRANTEES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CANCEL THIS AUCTION AT ANY TIME DUE TO PRIOR LOCAL SALE. PLEASE ASK ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE PRIOR TO BIDDING. THANKS FOR LOOKING AND HAPPY BIDDING!!!! If you have any questions about this or any of my other auctions please feel free to contact me you can call Matt phone or Jon at phone Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you.
2005 Larson Senza VEC 190 Roundabout Boat With A Volvo5.0 V8,
If Your Looking For Fun That The Whole Family Can Enjoy Then Look No Further!!!!!! This 2005 Larson Boat Is In Great Condition. The Previous Owner Had Pride In Ownership And It Shows!!! Just Tae A Look At The Pictures The White Exterior Is InSuper CleanShape And Looks Great With The WhiteBlue Gray Color Combination Is A Must See!!! STANDARD EQUIPMENT: In-Floor Ski Storage, Molded fiberglass Larson Senza, Retractable swim ladder with Grab handle, Ski Tow Ring, Clear walk-thru windshield, Concealed electric horn, Beverage holders throughout It, Passenger grab handle, Deluxe Instrumentation Which Includes The Following Silver Faced Gauges With: speedometer, tachometer, fuel, trim, water temperature, oil pressure, and volt meter And Tons More Here At Sullivan Motors We Take Pride In Finding Unique Vehicles And Provide Them To Our Valued Customers At The Markets Very Best Prices. If you have any questions please give us a call.***CALL STEVE phone***This Is A Sunny Arizona New Car Trade. You Can Buy this Vehicle From Where New Car Dealer In Arizona Buy Their Pre Owned Cars From And Save Big $$$$
Sales Policy: Place a bid or Buy It Now - only if you're serious about buying the item. If you are the winner of an item(s), you will enter into a legally binding contract to purchase the item. Payment Terms: The successful high bidder will submit a $500 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle. Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees $499 and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. If You Have Your Vehicle Shipped You Don't Have To Pay Taxes Here BUT IF YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE DEALERSHIP YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY AZ. STATE TAX OF 9.O5% Most States Are Reciprocal Which Means If You Pay Here You Don't Have To Pay In Your State.. Please Check With Your State To Find Out.. ******** NO TAXS ON CANADIAN BUYERS THEY ARE TAXS EXEMPT ******* THIS IS A USED CAR AND IS BEING SOLD AS IS WITH NO WARRANTEES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CANCEL THIS AUCTION AT ANY TIME DUE TO PRIOR LOCAL SALE. PLEASE ASK ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE PRIOR TO BIDDING. THANKS FOR LOOKING AND HAPPY BIDDING!!!! If you have any questions about this or any of my other auctions please feel free to contact me you can call Matt phone or Jon at phone Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you.
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Shipping Information uShip is an auction style marketplace, where feedback rated USHIP auto transporters compete for your business.
List FREE! No Obligation to Accept Bids! Shipping Information uShip is an auction style marketplace, where feedback rated USHIP auto transporters compete for your business.
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Shipping Information uShip is an auction style marketplace, where feedback rated USHIP auto transporters compete for your business.
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uShip is an auction style marketplace, where feedback rated USHIP auto transporters compete for your business.
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uShip is an auction style marketplace, where feedback rated USHIP auto transporters compete for your business.
List FREE! No Obligation to Accept Bids! uShip is an auction style marketplace, where feedback rated USHIP auto transporters compete for your business.
List FREE! No Obligation to Accept Bids! Terms of Sale Overview We reserve the right to end this listing at anytime should the vehicle no longer be available for sale. The following terms of sale apply to all of our listings. Payment Terms:
The successful high bidder will submit a $1,000 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle.
Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. Payment Methods:
Cash (In Person), certified check, bank transfer, or 3rd-party financing. Fees and Taxes:
Out of state buyers are responsible for all state, county, city taxes and fees, as well as title/registration fees in the state that the vehicle will be registered. Terms of Sale Overview We reserve the right to end this listing at anytime should the vehicle no longer be available for sale. The following terms of sale apply to all of our listings. Payment Terms:
The successful high bidder will submit a $1,000 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle.
Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. Payment Methods:
Cash (In Person), certified check, bank transfer, or 3rd-party financing. Fees and Taxes:
Out of state buyers are responsible for all state, county, city taxes and fees, as well as title/registration fees in the state that the vehicle will be registered.
Terms of Sale Overview We reserve the right to end this listing at anytime should the vehicle no longer be available for sale. The following terms of sale apply to all of our listings. Payment Terms:
The successful high bidder will submit a $1,000 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle.
Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. Payment Methods:
Cash (In Person), certified check, bank transfer, or 3rd-party financing. Fees and Taxes:
Out of state buyers are responsible for all state, county, city taxes and fees, as well as title/registration fees in the state that the vehicle will be registered. Terms of Sale Overview
Terms of Sale Overview
We reserve the right to end this listing at anytime should the vehicle no longer be available for sale. The following terms o sale apply to all of our listings. Payment Terms:
The successful high bidder will submit a $1,000 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle.
Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. Payment Methods:
Cash (In Person), certified check, bank transfer, or 3rd-party financing. Fees and Taxes:
Out of state buyers are responsible for all state, county, city taxes and fees, as well as title/registration fees in the state that the vehicle will be registered. We reserve the right to end this listing at anytime should the vehicle no longer be available for sale. The following terms of sale apply to all of our listings. Payment Terms:
The successful high bidder will submit a $1,000 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle.
Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. Payment Methods:
Cash (In Person), certified check, bank transfer, or 3rd-party financing. Fees and Taxes:
Out of state buyers are responsible for all state, county, city taxes and fees, as well as title/registration fees in the state that the vehicle will be registered. We reserve the right to end this listing at anytime should the vehicle no longer be available for sale. The following terms of sale apply to all of our listings.
Payment Terms:
The successful high bidder will submit a $1,000 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle.
Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. Payment Terms:
Payment Terms:
The successful high bidder will submit a $1,000 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle.
Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle.
The successful high bidder will submit a $1,000 non-refundable deposit within 2 business days of the close of the auction to secure the vehicle.
Buyer agrees to pay remaining balance due (plus applicable fees and taxes) within 5 days of the close of the auction. All financial transactions must be completed before delivery of the vehicle. Payment Methods:
Cash (In Person), certified check, bank transfer, or 3rd-party financing. Payment Methods:
Payment Methods:
Cash (In Person), certified check, bank transfer, or 3rd-party financing.
Cash (In Person), certified check, bank transfer, or 3rd-party financing. Fees and Taxes:
Out of state buyers are responsible for all state, county, city taxes and fees, as well as title/registration fees in the state that the vehicle will be registered. Fees and Taxes:
Fees and Taxes:
Out of state buyers are responsible for all state, county, city taxes and fees, as well as title/registration fees in the state that the vehicle will be registered.
Out of state buyers are responsible for all state, county, city taxes and fees, as well as title/registration fees in the state that the vehicle will be registered. Contact Steve Eckhardt for more information
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Mesa AZ
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