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1934 Hutchinson 28' Triple Cockpit Gentleman's Runabout Velvet Drive Hydraulic Stock #: S3011
Interior Color: Green Vinyl
Transmission: Velvet Drive Hydraulic Marine
Engine: 318ci V8
Title Condition: Clear Very rare 1934 Hutchinson 28' Triple Cockpit Gentleman's Runabout and one of only seven Hacker-Craft designed Hutchinsons ever built! SAMS surveyed and recently treated to a complete engine rebuild and resealing. Powered with a powerful Chrysler marine 318ci V8. Upgraded no-soak bottom means immediate enjoyment with all leather seating surfaces! Just gorgeous! We are very excited to present Saving Grace, a 1934 Hutchinson 28' Triple Cockpit Gentleman's Runabout! The boat was professionally restored and fitted with a no-soak bottom! Finished in Mahogany with Ash inserts, this John Hacker designed modified vee is capable of taking your breath away before it even hits the water! In the spirit of the original, it is powered by a recently rebuilt 318ci Chrysler V8 gasoline engine (dated 1984) producing 235 horsepower! Power is transferred to the water via a Velvet Drive Hydraulic Marine transmission with reduction. The motor has less than an hour of run time. All of the three cockpits are finished in an attractive nautical scheme of green vinyl with wood floors. The main cockpit has a triple windshield that gives the captain an outstanding view ahead! Other options include a banjo steering wheel, machine turned dash, electric horn, lots of storage compartments, fire extinguisher, polished stainless steel trim, rear grab handles, copper exhaust tips, Sawyer oar, buoys, small anchor, plenty of rope, and a boat cover! This 1934 Hutchinson 28' Triple Cockpit Gentleman's Runabout was fully restored while with its Maryland owner of 16 years and completed in 2001. Having purchased the boat in 1997, the owner interviewed a number of possible wood boat specialists to assist in the restoration. It was carefully treated to a 2500 hour restoration with the help of expert boat restorer, Doug Nichols, of Nichols Marina & Restoration in Branchport, NY. The results remain quite marvelous, having been used regularly in a number of shows and various lakes in the American Northeast and Canada. It's been in Lake Erie, NY; Erie Canal; Lake Ontari, Canada; Potomac River, VI; Deep Creek Lake, MD; Fourth Lake Fulton Chain Lakes- Adirondack Park, NY; and others. Shows include the Niagra Boat Show (3rd Place award) and Antique Wooden Boat Show in Old Forge, NY (two 1st Place awards). It was also photographed for a book- Antique & Classic Boats. With use came regular maintenance with Nichols freshening it in 2006 and again in 2011. It was put on the market for sale in 2013. This 1934 Hutchinson 28' Triple Cockpit Gentleman's Runabout was the recipient of a Society of American Marine Surveyors (SAMS) survey in mid-May of 2013 while stored in New York. It was found that there were no safety deficiencies and that the boat is ready for immediate service! In the opinion of the surveyor, this translates into Above Average Condition with a replacement cost of $125,000. In conclusion, the summary reads like this: "The vessel, Saving Grace, is a well-appointed and well powered vessel with sharp lines and profile. It is the surveyor's opinion that the vessel is suitable for its intended use as a recreation vessel." Recent service since the report included a compression test in December of 2013, as well as a full rebuild of the 318ci engine including valves, pushrods, valve seats, pistons, camshaft, bearings, lifters, gaskets, oil pump and all hardware. Also done was a new Chrysler CBE5 ignition module, fuel pump, battery cables, overhaul of all gauges and lights, new CNC machined 3-blade propeller and carburetor rebuild. This service totaled $4,417. In August of 2014, the boat was treated to engine starting, resealing of shaft log and any cracks and a lake test, before cleaning and putting back on the trailer, then received new wheels and tires in May of 2014. All said and done, over $10,900 was spent ensuring that the boat was in tip-top seaworthy condition since the survey. This spring of 2019, we asked Bloch Marine to perform a full hull inspection and treat areas as needed to ensure the West System epoxy coating was ready for water use. They also realigned the prop shaft with a new cutlass bearing and repacked the shaft stuffing box with Teflon packing. The water pump was completely rebuilt. The engine fuel tank would be drained, along with the engine oil & filter replaced for new. Fresh high octane fuel was added, along with a new fuel filter, a completely rebuilt carburetor with new braided fuel lines. It was water tested and run in May 2019, as seen in the video provided. All systems, both bilge pumps, gauges, transmission, horn, etc were all tested and found to be fully functional. A remarkable boat without question and immediately ready for its next owner! This beautifully sculpted 1934 Hutchinson 28' Triple Cockpit Gentleman's Runabout presents a unique opportunity to own what is believed to be one of only seven Hacker-Craft designed gentleman's runabouts! With sea trials last completed in 2019, it was reported by GPS accuracy to achieve 42 mph with 4 occupants and a half tank of fuel. Not too shabby! We would invite any interested parties to call with additional questions! Thanks for looking!
Vehicle Description
Very rare 1934 Hutchinson 28' Triple Cockpit Gentleman's Runabout and one of only seven Hacker-Craft designed Hutchinsons ever built! SAMS surveyed and recently treated to a complete engine rebuild and resealing. Powered with a powerful Chrysler marine 318ci V8. Upgraded no-soak bottom means immediate enjoyment with all leather seating surfaces! Just gorgeous! We are very excited to present Saving Grace, a 1934 Hutchinson 28' Triple Cockpit Gentleman's Runabout! The boat was professionally restored and fitted with a no-soak bottom! Finished in Mahogany with Ash inserts, this John Hacker designed modified vee is capable of taking your breath away before it even hits the water! In the spirit of the original, it is powered by a recently rebuilt 318ci Chrysler V8 gasoline engine (dated 1984) producing 235 horsepower! Power is transferred to the water via a Velvet Drive Hydraulic Marine transmission with reduction. The motor has less than an hour of run time. All of the three cockpits are finished in an attractive nautical scheme of green vinyl with wood floors. The main cockpit has a triple windshield that gives the captain an outstanding view ahead! Other options include a banjo steering wheel, machine turned dash, electric horn, lots of storage compartments, fire extinguisher, polished stainless steel trim, rear grab handles, copper exhaust tips, Sawyer oar, buoys, small anchor, plenty of rope, and a boat cover! This 1934 Hutchinson 28' Triple Cockpit Gentleman's Runabout was fully restored while with its Maryland owner of 16 years and completed in 2001. Having purchased the boat in 1997, the owner interviewed a number of possible wood boat specialists to assist in the restoration. It was carefully treated to a 2500 hour restoration with the help of expert boat restorer, Doug Nichols, of Nichols Marina & Restoration in Branchport, NY. The results remain quite marvelous, having been used regularly in a number of shows and various lakes in the American Northeast and Canada. It's been in Lake Erie, NY; Erie Canal; Lake Ontario, Canada; Potomac River, VI; Deep Creek Lake, MD; Fourth Lake Fulton Chain Lakes- Adirondack Park, NY; and others. Shows include the Niagra Boat Show (3rd Place award) and Antique Wooden Boat Show in Old Forge, NY (two 1st Place awards). It was also photographed for a book- Antique & Classic Boats. With use came regular maintenance with Nichols freshening it in 2006 and again in 2011. It was put on the market for sale in 2013. This 1934 Hutchinson 28' Triple Cockpit Gentleman's Runabout was the recipient of a Society of American Marine Surveyors (SAMS) survey in mid-May of 2013 while stored in New York. It was found that there were no safety deficiencies and that the boat is ready for immediate service! In the opinion of the surveyor, this translates into Above Average Condition with a replacement cost of $125,000. In conclusion, the summary reads like this: "The vessel, Saving Grace, is a well-appointed and well powered vessel with sharp lines and profile. It is the surveyor's opinion that the vessel is suitable for its intended use as a recreation vessel." Recent service since the report included a compression test in December of 2013, as well as a full rebuild of the 318ci engine including valves, pushrods, valve seats, pistons, camshaft, bearings, lifters, gaskets, oil pump and all hardware. Also done was a new Chrysler CBE5 ignition module, fuel pump, battery cables, overhaul of all gauges and lights, new CNC machined 3-blade propeller and carburetor rebuild. This service totaled $4,417. In August of 2014, the boat was treated to engine starting, resealing of shaft log and any cracks and a lake test, before cleaning and putting back on the trailer, then received new wheels and tires in May of 2014. All said and done, over $10,900 was spent ensuring that the boat was in tip-top seaworthy condition since the survey. This spring of 2019, we asked Bloch Marine to perform a full hull inspection and treat areas as needed to ensure the West System epoxy coating was ready for water use. They also realigned the prop shaft with a new cutlass bearing and repacked the shaft stuffing box with Teflon packing. The water pump was completely rebuilt. The engine fuel tank would be drained, along with the engine oil & filter replaced for new. Fresh high octane fuel was added, along with a new fuel filter, a completely rebuilt carburetor with new braided fuel lines. It was water tested and run in May 2019, as seen in the video provided. All systems, both bilge pumps, gauges, transmission, horn, etc were all tested and found to be fully functional. A remarkable boat without question and immediately ready for its next owner! This beautifully sculpted 1934 Hutchinson 28' Triple Cockpit Gentleman's Runabout presents a unique opportunity to own what is believed to be one of only seven Hacker-Craft designed gentleman's runabouts! With sea trials last completed in 2019, it was reported y GPS accuracy to achieve 42 mph with 4 occupants and a half tank of fuel. Not too shabby! We would invite any interested parties to call with additional questions! Thanks for looking! Vehicle Warranty
New Vehicles come with a full-factory warranty. Used vehicles may have a remaining-factory warranty, but please contact us for the warranty details specific to this vehicle.
About St. Louis Car Museum
Established in 1994, the St. Louis Car Museum & Sales has provided special interest vehicles and motorcycles to collectors and enthusiasts around the globe. Our variety of inventory is a testament to our passion for special interest vehicles of all kinds. Read below to learn more about us or check out ourinventory of classic cars.
We actively buy, sell, and trade everything from antiques and classics to muscle and European sports cars, vintage motorcycles, and automobilia. All vehicles are displayed in our combined 85,000+ square feet of Swiss Track Tile Flooringand climate controlled complex in St. Louis, Missouri just 10 minutes from Lambert International airport.
Vehicles can be viewed Monday-Saturday during regular business hours, and appointments are encouraged to ensure vehicle availability.
Established in 1994, the St. Louis Car Museum & Sales has provided special interest vehicles and motorcycles to collectors and enthusiasts around the globe. Our variety of inventory is a testament to our passion for special interest vehicles of all kinds. Read below to learn more about us or check out ourinventory of classic cars.
We actively buy, sell, and trade everything from antiques and classics to muscle and European sports cars, vintage motorcycles, and automobilia. All vehicles are displayed in our combined 85,000+ square feet of Swiss Track Tile Flooringand climate controlled complex in St. Louis, Missouri just 10 minutes from Lambert International airport.
Vehicles can be viewed Monday-Saturday during regular business hours, and appointments are encouraged to ensure vehicle availability.
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Payment Options We accept the following payment methods:
- Cashier's Check/money order- Loan check from classifieds board Financing Center- Cash (in person)- Personal check (once cleared)
Vehicle Pickup & Shipping All shipping charges are buyer's responsibility.
Finance, Warranty, Shipping question? Call the dealer at phone General Terms
Notice to Bidders: All of the vehicles we list on classifieds board are for sale locally. We reserve the right to end an auction early. All cars are immediately ready for delivery upon sale. Deposit: We require a non-refundable $500 deposit within 48 hours of winning the auction. Please call to make arrangements for payment. Payment Types: Cash in person, Certified Funds, Institutional Financing All sales transactions must be completed within 7 calendar days of auction close. Prices subject to change without notice and do not include Title, License, Registration Fees, State or Local Taxes or Processing Fees, if any. Please contact seller first for vehicle availability. Although every effort is made to present accurate and reliable information, use of this information is voluntary, and should only be deemed reliable after an independent review of its accuracy, completeness, and timeliness. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to verify the existence of options, accessories and the vehicle condition before time of sale. Any and all differences must be addressed prior to time of sale. No expressed or implied warranties, including the availability or condition of the equipment listed is made. EPA mileage estimates for comparison purposes only. Actual mileage may vary depending on driving conditions, driving habits, and vehicle maintenance. Notice to Bidders: All of the vehicles we list on classifieds board are for sale locally. We reserve the right to end an auction early. All cars are immediately ready for delivery upon sale. Deposit: We require a non-refundable $500 deposit within 48 hours of winning the auction. Please call to make arrangements for payment. Payment Types: Cash in person, Certified Funds, Institutional Financing All sales transactions must be completed within 7 calendar days of auction close. Prices subject to change without notice and do not include Title, License, Registration Fees, State or Local Taxes or Processing Fees, if any. Please contact seller first for vehicle availability. Although every effort is made to present accurate and reliable information, use of this information is voluntary, and should only be deemed reliable after an independent review of its accuracy, completeness, and timeliness. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to verify the existence of options, accessories and the vehicle condition before time of sale. Any and all differences must be addressed prior to time of sale. No expressed or implied warranties, including the availability or condition of the equipment listed is made. EPA mileage estimates for comparison purposes only. Actual mileage may vary depending on driving conditions, driving habits, and vehicle maintenance.
Fees and Taxes
Sales tax, title, license fee, registration fee, dealer documentary fee, finance charges, emission testing fees, and compliance fees are additional to the advertised price. Vehicle is listed locally, we reserve the right to end the auction at any time.
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