Vintage Elitecraft Riviera Runabout by Classic Era WatercraftThis easy-to-maintain, faux-mahogany fiberglass runabout turns heads on the water. Owned by a single family, it has provided hours of boating pleasure summer after summer. Piloted only in gin-clear, crystal waters of Lake George, NY, this boat provided both a classy cocktail cruise as well as a muscular water ski ride. Raised eyebrows and questions galore everytime the boat pulled into a lakeside marina. "Is it wood?" "What is this?" The answer is that from the late 1970s to the early 1990s, two wooden runabout enthusiasts built a small company, Classic Era Watercraft that manufactured small runs of sporty runabouts that mimicked ChrisCrafts, Garwoods, and Hackercraft. This vessel is a collectors item: only 450 EliteCraft were ever built. Often, cruising on the lake, our boat has been mistaken for the old wooden boats. But, our boat is fiberglass, has a beefy automotive style inboard engine, prepped for boating use by MerCruiser. The boat would regularly plane along the lake surface at 40 knots with no trouble at all. This 220 HP engine has 783 hours on it, and is still strong. The boat is currently garaged, and needs a new owner. A broken prop, wear & tear to its fiberglass, and a leaky fresh water heat exchanger are the main culprits, but fixable. The gelcoat finish is mottled in spots, and the marine tape striping is peeling in places. A few cleats need repair, and the radio likely needs an update. A sturdy trailer (with less than 50 miles on it) sits underneath the boat and is included in the sale. Hours of pride on the water, and fun with the family await the new owner of this legend!For questions about EliteCraft boats, search for "EliteCraft owners" or "The New EliteCraft" on the web. LOCATION OF THE ELITECRAFT RIVIERA RUNABOUTThis beauty is under wraps in an Adirondack garage, roughly 90 minutes north of Albany, NY. Feel free to contact us for a look. The boat is viewable until October. The buyers will have full responsibility for taking delivery of the boat. This will require a large-tow package for boats of the 5,000lb class.
Elitecraft Riviera
Inboard runabout
Hull Material:
Engine Type:
Inboard V8
Engine Make:
302 Ford
Primary Fuel Type:
For Sale By:
Private Seller
Fuel Capacity:
31 - 40 Gallons
20.0 feet
6.5 feet
do you still have the 20 ft for sale if so let me know I am looking for one. scott ***
Still available? ***......Thanks Bruce
Hello I was wondering if the elite craft 20' riviera boat was still for sale you have listed here at boats from
Is this boat still available?
I am interested at your boat!
Is it still aviable?
Best regard'
Jan Aronsson Sweden
please, i need your phone nber to talk to you about your elite craft if not sold yet....i am verry interesting.
Hi, I am interested in your boat. Is it still for sale?
Where can this boat be seen?
just seeing if the boat is still around. If you know a little about elite craft I am the youngest son of the late David Smith and am trying to find one of his old boats
Todd, we just relisted this EliteCraft on Craigslist - Glens Falls, NY May, 2016 Come see it!
If the boat is still available please contact me. Where is it located?
Thank You,
Folks, we just relisted this beauty Elite Craft on Craigslist - Glens Falls, NY. 5/2016
is this boat still for sale
Did you sell your boat?
Hope this listing is taken down!
I have one of these boats to sell. Do you have the contact information for the last two people who inquired last summer?
How much did you sell yours for? Mine is a 1981, very similar looking to yours. Did you ever connect with Todd?
-Ben ***
Hello! I'm looking for an Elitecraft. Please let me know if you have one for sale. I promise I won't waste your time.
Thanks Dave
Ive got one one. It’s on my website, ontario canada.
I see your note Baden Elite craft for sale if it is still available could you please contact me or let me know that it's been sold and if you don't mind if it's been sold how much was it? Thank you Thomas
Hi Thomas,
I still have my Elite Craft . Number above.
Dave, I just saw this. Wish you had called, My number is above.
At any rate, I still have a 1981 Elite Craft in storage.
Is the Elite Craft still available?
I am interested in your 1985 Elite Craft Riviera boat. Is it still available?
Stephen Wagner
*** ***
Is this boat still available?
Brgds Peter
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