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Stock #: 40
Exterior Color: Grumble Green
Interior Color: White
Fuel Type: Gas
Mileage: 50 This 1974 Donzi Sweet 16 is rare not only because of its largely unmodified condition, but because of its not-often-seen Green and Wonder White factory gelcoat colors and the fact that it's believed to have under 55 hours on the meter. It's a Don Aranow / Donzi Marine time capsule.The Donzi is sits beautifully today, but it's a first-rate restoration candidate. The Ford Cobra 8-cylindar engine runs strong and boasts an exhilarating exhaust note. Like all Donzis, this Sweet 16 is an attention-grabber everywhere it goes.Ford Cobra engineVolvo-Penta 270 outdriveFour blade Federal propMorse single lever controlTeleflex steeringDeck mounted hose connect flush fitting (replaces rabbit ears)Stainless trim tabsRecently replaced starterRecently replaced alternatorNew Michelin Endurance tires and steel wheels (July 2021)Brand new bearings (July 2021)Bearing Buddy grease fittings,Two original Ford period-correct trailer wheels also included.The Donzi has had three previous owners. The original owner held the Donzi for 37 years, followed by the second owner who held the boat just over 10 years. Both owners were said to have maintained the boat regularly and stored it indoors when not in use. The third owner held the Donzi for just several months before deciding to move out of state and could not relocate the boat with him at the time.This Sweet 16 is said to have been purchased new in Northern Michigan by a car collector. The second owner, also a car collector, was located in Indiana. The boat was always used in freshwater as a result, and both owners were said to have stored the boat in climate controlled warehouses when not in use. The condition of the gelcoat supports this.The boat is currently located in Door County, 90 miles from Green Bay, WI.Hull serial #: DMR166780674-CEngine #: D1JE-942B-AAVolvo-Penta outdrive # 2785578DThis 1974 Donzi Sweet 16 appears to include the original gelcoat, original steering wheel and optioned gauges, the original brightwork, well-crafted replacement cushions, the factory original Rocket trailer and two period correct Ford trailer wheels (pictured).The boat has been detailed, to include having the hull wet sanded, polished and waxed with 3M products. The bilge has been detailed, the brightwork and trim tabs polished, and the cushions cleaned and treated. Note that the bilge requires more cleaning due to an oil leak, but it still presents well (see below). The trailer is in working order and has new Michelin Endurance tires, wheels and bearings.Donzi History:Donzi boats were designed and built by the legendary ocean racer, Don Aronow, in Miami, FL beginning in the early 1960s. The 16 foot Ski Sporter / Sweet 16 was the first boat Aronow designed for his eponymously named boat company, Donzi Marine, Aronows nickname.Aronow built speedboats for many famous people including the Shah of Iran, Malcom Forbes, and George H.W. Bush. President Lyndon Johnson owned several Sweet 16s which he would race with his Secret Service agents. Aronow also built and raced the famous Formula and Cigarette boats, as featured on Miami Vice. Arguably the most recognized sport boat ever created, the Donzi Sweet 16 boasts a pedigree like none other and are considered the Ferraris of boating.Condition report:This description is meant to be straightforward, warts and all, to provide interested parties with details that can be addressed to bring this this Donzi up to the condition it was in the day it was delivered. Someone familiar with classic boats might find that the Donzi is in better condition than this report would otherwise suggest as a result.Deck and hull: The decals are older but serviceable (see Donzi Direct for OEM replacements). There are two areas on the hull that appear to have been repaired (not to factory levels), but they are reversible. One repair is approximately 2x1/2 on the hull and a second repair is around the drain on the transom. Theres a chip in the gelcoat approximately 1x1/2x1/4" on the starboard hull in need of minor fiberglass filler and gelcoat repair. There is a scratch on the top of the engine cover. There are a number of chips and scratches in the Donzis gelcoat, all of which appear to be straightforward gelcoat repairs. There is an area with rust stains in the ski compartment. The Donzi has very limited spider cracking (limited to two small areas that we could find) and none of crazing that often plagues boats of this vintage. Despite these imperfections, the 47 year-old gelcoat shines deep, per the photos. This is the kind of solid foundation collectors seek out and rarely find.Engine: The Ford Cobras engine hour meter reads 54.20 hours at the time of this post. The engine starts, idles and engine runs strong, topping out at 55 MPH on the Donzis speedometer during the most recent run (July 12, 2021). Please note, there's an oil leak coming from somewhere on the engine. The initial assessment of a professional mechanic is that the source are the valve cover gaskets. It is unconfirmed at this time if this is the only source. The engine starts and idles smoothly. The starter and alternator were recently replaced. Being a marinized Ford engine, parts are readily available.Outdrive: The Volvo Penta 270 outdrive is in fair aesthetic condition. It shifts from neutral to forward and reverse well, as expected. The Morse controller is a joy to use. The outdrive was painted by a previous owner in off-white. There is a section of shift cable housing that is damaged and this cable needs to be replaced as a result. Some of the rubber parts on the outdrive have overspray.Bilges: The bilge appears to be in unmodified condition with the exception of two 1 holes in the battery compartment. While these holes are covered by the original battery cover when in place, they do appear to be easily corrected. Note: the bilge has been detailed, but because of an oil leak (described above) there may be some oil present in the bilge.Gauges: The gauges are believed to be a mix of original (speedometer), factory optioned and replacement gauges. The temperature gauge is not functioning reliably. The cause is believed to be either a bad sending unit, bad thermostat or a loose connection.Battery: The battery appears to be older but its taking a full charge. It starts the engine as expected.Brightwork: The grab rail has blemishes but is in overall good condition. The rub rail is believed to be original but its in poor aesthetic condition. However, its fully serviceable and may be restorable (and its replaceable, of course). All other brightwork is believed to be original and ranges from fair to good condition.Lights: Both the navigation and anchor lights function as expected. The telescoping stern/anchor lights height adjustment also functions as expected.Cushions: The cushions appear to be replacements. They are well made and in good overall condition, with the exception of the zippers and foam inserts. The zippers appear to be seized (possibly reversible), there are a few pieces of missing snap hardware, and there are several scuffs in the vinyl. The set would also benefit from new foam inserts at some point, but they are currently functional. At least one cushions foam core appeared moderately soiled cleaning. That said, the set presents well as per the photos.Covers: The cockpit cover is fully functional and in overall good condition with a few areas with a few mildew stains (these have not been detailed, so they might come out). The Donzis full cover is also in good, serviceable condition but it does have at least one area with a sewn-in repair.Trailer: Its believed that the Rocket trailer is original to the Donzi. Its in serviceable condition but its obviously rough cosmetically. The trailer lights function, the tires and wheels (Michelin Endurance mounted on standard trailer wheels) and trailer bearings were relaced in late-July 2021.
Vehicle Description This 1974 Donzi Sweet 16 is rare not only because of its largely unmodified condition, but because of its not-often-seen Green and Wonder White factory gelcoat colors and the fact that it's believed to have under 55 hours on the meter. It's a Don Aranow / Donzi Marine time capsule.The Donzi is sits beautifully today, but it's a first-rate restoration candidate. The Ford Cobra 8-cylindar engine runs strong and boasts an exhilarating exhaust note. Like all Donzis, this Sweet 16 is an attention-grabber everywhere it goes.Ford Cobra engineVolvo-Penta 270 outdriveFour blade Federal propMorse single lever controlTeleflex steeringDeck mounted hose connect flush fitting (replaces rabbit ears)Stainless trim tabsRecently replaced starterRecently replaced alternatorNew Michelin Endurance tires and steel wheels (July 2021)Brand new bearings (July 2021)Bearing Buddy grease fittings,Two original Ford period-correct trailer wheels also included.The Donzi has had three previous owners. The original owner held the Donzi for 37 years, followed by the second owner who held the boat just over 10 years. Both owners were said to have maintained the boat regularly and stored it indoors when not in use. The third owner held the Donzi for just several months before deciding to move out of state and could not relocate the boat with him at the time.This Sweet 16 is said to have been purchased new in Northern Michigan by a car collector. The second owner, also a car collector, was located in Indiana. The boat was always used in freshwater as a result, and both owners were said to have stored the boat in climate controlled warehouses when not in use. The condition of the gelcoat supports this.The boat is currently located in Door County, 90 miles from Green Bay, WI.Hull serial #: DMR166780674-CEngine #: D1JE-942B-AAVolvo-Penta outdrive # 2785578DThis 1974 Donzi Sweet 16 appears to include the original gelcoat, original steering wheel and optioned gauges, the original brightwork, well-crafted replacement cushions, the factory original Rocket trailer and two period correct Ford trailer wheels (pictured).The boat has been detailed, to include having the hull wet sanded, polished and waxed with 3M products. The bilge has been detailed, the brightwork and trim tabs polished, and the cushions cleaned and treated. Note that the bilge requires more cleaning due to an oil leak, but it still presents well (see below). The trailer is in working order and has new Michelin Endurance tires, wheels and bearings.Donzi History:Donzi boats were designed and built by the legendary ocean racer, Don Aronow, in Miami, FL beginning in the early 1960s. The 16 foot Ski Sporter / Sweet 16 was the first boat Aronow designed for his eponymously named boat company, Donzi Marine, Aronows nickname.Aronow built speedboats for many famous people including the Shah of Iran, Malcom Forbes, and George H.W. Bush. President Lyndon Johnson owned several Sweet 16s which he would race with his Secret Service agents. Aronow also built and raced the famous Formula and Cigarette boats, as featured on Miami Vice. Arguably the most recognized sport boat ever created, the Donzi Sweet 16 boasts a pedigree like none other and are considered the Ferraris of boating.Condition report:This description is meant to be straightforward, warts and all, to provide interested parties with details that can be addressed to bring this this Donzi up to the condition it was in the day it was delivered. Someone familiar with classic boats might find that the Donzi is in better condition than this report would otherwise suggest as a result.Deck and hull: The decals are older but serviceable (see Donzi Direct for OEM replacements). There are two areas on the hull that appear to have been repaired (not to factory levels), but they are reversible. One repair is approximately 2x1/2 on the hull and a second repair is around the drain on the transom. Theres a chip in the gelcoat approximately 1x1/2x1/4" on the starboard hull in need of minor fiberglass filler and gelcoat repair. There is a scratch on the top of the engine cover. There are a number of chips and scratches in the Donzis gelcoat, all of which appear to be straightforward gelcoat repairs. There is an area with rust stains in the ski compartment. The Donzi has very limited spider cracking (limited to two small areas that we could find) and none of crazing that often plagues boats of this vintage. Despite these imperfections, the 47 year-old gelcoat shines deep, per the photos. This is the kind of solid foundation collectors seek out and rarely find.Engine: The Ford Cobras engine hour meter reads 54.20 hours at the time of this post. The engine starts, idles and engine runs strong, topping out at 55 MPH on the Donzis speedometer during the most recent run (July 12, 2021). Please note, there's an oil leak coming from somewhere on the engine. The initial assessment of a professional mechanic is that the source are the valve cover gaskets. It is unconfirmed at this time if this is the only source. The engine starts and idles smoothly. The starter and alternator were recently replaced. Being a marinized Ford engine, parts are readily available.Outdrive: The Volvo Penta 270 outdrive is in fair aesthetic condition. It shifts from neutral to forward and reverse well, as expected. The Morse controller is a joy to use. The outdrive was painted by a previous owner in off-white. There is a section of shift cable housing that is damaged and this cable needs to be replaced as a result. Some of the rubber parts on the outdrive have overspray.Bilges: The bilge appears to be in unmodified condition with the exception of two 1 holes in the battery compartment. While these holes are covered by the original battery cover when in place, they do appear to be easily corrected. Note: the bilge has been detailed, but because of an oil leak (described above) there may be some oil present in the bilge.Gauges: The gauges are believed to be a mix of original (speedometer), factory optioned and replacement gauges. The temperature gauge is not functioning reliably. The cause is believed to be either a bad sending unit, bad thermostat or a loose connection.Battery: The battery appears to be older but its taking a full charge. It starts the engine as expected.Brightwork: The grab rail has blemishes but is in overall good condition. The rub rail is believed to be original but its in poor aesthetic condition. However, its fully serviceable and may be restorable (and its replaceable, of course). All other brightwork is believed to be original and ranges from fair to good condition.Lights: Both the navigation and anchor lights function as expected. The telescoping stern/anchor lights height adjustment also functions as expected.Cushions: The cushions appear to be replacements. They are well made and in good overall condition, with the exception of the zippers and foam inserts. The zippers appear to be seized (possibly reversible), there are a few pieces of missing snap hardware, and there are several scuffs in the vinyl. The set would also benefit from new foam inserts at some point, but they are currently functional. At least one cushions foam core appeared moderately soiled cleaning. That said, the set presents well as per the photos.Covers: The cockpit cover is fully functional and in overall good condition with a few areas with a few mildew stains (these have not been detailed, so they might come out). The Donzis full cover is also in good, serviceable condition but it does have at least one area with a sewn-in repair.Trailer: Its believed that the Rocket trailer is original to the Donzi. Its in serviceable condition but its obviously rough cosmetically. The trailer lights function, the tires and wheels (Michelin Endurance mounted on standard trailer wheels) and trailer bearings were replaced in late-July 2021. Vehicle Warranty
This item or vehicle is being sold as is, where is with no warranty, expressed written or implied unless there is a warranty in effect from the factory
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Be sure to visit my website at www.ronsusser.com. Lots of great cars, motorcycles, watches, artwork, collectibles to browse.
Take advantage of proxy bidding:Dont loose the vehicle at the last minute! There have been many people who have lost bids in the past because they were not familiar with proxy bidding. When you bid, bid the maximum amount that you are willing to spend on the vehicle. Each time someone bids higher than your last bid, classifieds board will automatically increment your bid by the minimum bid amount until it reaches your maximum. Dont get stuck loosing a good deal!
Testimonials Bid with Confidence
Read what a buyer has to say about the quality of my service after he purchased a great 1988 Lotus Esprit S4 TurboAAA+++, This is the way classifieds board is supposed to work. Everybody is happy!!! Thanks.
Read what a buyer has to say about the quality of my service after he purchased a beautiful 1970 Mercedes 280SL.My acquisition of a vehicle with Ron conducting the transaction went without a single problem. The description of the car was complete, informative and quite accurate. There were no surprises. All my questions and concerns were promptly addressed. His attention to details continued beyond the actual sale until the car was safely in my garage. As a new buyer I had only a positive experience and recommend him to the classifieds board community without reservation.
Read what another buyer had to say when he received his 1958 Cadillac Eldorado Brougham.Car better than expected, Ron is prompt, friendly and honest, Highly Recommend!!
Read what another person who purchased an 88 Mercedes 560SL had to sayThanks, Ron, for your prompt, courteous and honest service. Ive been looking for the right 88-89 MB 560SL for the past three years you found it for me! I couldnt be more pleased with the responsive, highly professional manner in which you handled my special needs. Ill buy from you again.
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Vehicles & Other ItemsThis item or vehicle is being sold as is, where is with no warranty, expressed written or implied unless there is a warranty in effect from the factory. The seller shall not be responsible for the correct description, authenticity, genuineness, or defects herein, and makes no warranty in connection therewith. No allowance or set aside will be made on account of any incorrectness, imperfection, defect or damage. Any descriptions or representations are for identification purposes only and are not to be construed as a warranty of any type. It is the responsibility of the buyer to have thoroughly inspected the vehicle, and to have satisfied himself or herself as to the condition and value and to bid based upon that judgement solely. The seller shall and will make every reasonable effort to disclose any known defects associated with this vehicle at the buyer's request prior to the close of sale. Seller assumes no responsibility for any repairs regardless of any oral statements about the vehicle or item. Seller reserves the right not to sell to any bidder with 0 or negative feedback or to any bidder for any reason. 10% (non-refundable deposit) in certified funds or bank to bank wire transfer is due within 2 business days of auction end and balance is due within 7 business days of auction end. Buyer is responsible for cost of shipping but seller may be able to assist in arranging shipping. I can be reached at phone to discuss the item. Please see my other auctions for high quality new and used vehicles and other quality collectibles. Remember that your bid constitutes a legally binding contract to purchase this item. If you require an inspection, have it done prior to bidding. I strongly encourage all bidders to inspect vehicle personally or enlist the services of a professional inspector prior to placing a bid. After the sale, inspections are not recognized as a contingency to completing your obligation to your winning bid. If there are any questions regarding the above terms, please e-mail prior to bidding. Serious bidders only please. Good luck!
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Hi. How are you ? I’ll probably take the boat if it runs hood. Call me anytime at 1-***, mike
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Hello is your donzi still for sale? Please send me you tel or email if it is available. Thanks
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