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phonephonephonephone728of28 Full size photos Full size photos 1955 Chris Craft Sportsman 17
Exterior Color: Other
Interior Color: Other
Transmission: -
Drivetrain: Unknown
Engine: 0
Mileage: 0
Title Condition: Clear 1955 Chris craft Sportsman '17 - This is a one owner ski boat from Nashville TN. It was owned by a family who in the 1950's-1980's was the largest Rolex dealer in the USA. The boat has always been well maintained and garaged. The boat may be seen by appointment only. Contact Herbert Phillips phone with any questions that you may have.
Vehicle Description 1955 Chris craft Sportsman '17 - This is a one owner ski boat from Nashville TN. It was owned by a family who in the 1950's-1980's was the largest Rolex dealer in the USA. The boat has always been well maintained and garaged. The boat may be seen by appointment only. Contact Herbert Phillips phone with any questions that you may have. Vehicle Warranty
There are no implied nor are there any expressed warranties on our vehicles. Extended warranties/service contracts may be available for purchase for a nominal fee. Please inquire regarding pricing and availability of service contracts prior to bidding.
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span.s1 {font-kerning: none} About Wolfchase Auto Sales, LLC
Frequently Asked Questions......
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Q:Do you offer financing on your vehicles?
A: No, we do not. However, we are more than willing to work with you to help you obtain financing from your credit union, bank or other lending institution. In some cases a vehicle may not be financeable due to age and/or mileage. If you are not sure where to start, I would be more than happy to assist you in the search for a local institution in your hometown that could do a deal for you. Please note that in many cases this does require a stellar credit bureau rating.
Q:I am interested in one of your vehicles, have you personally driven it? Have you had it checked or inspected?
A: Our entire team under most circumstances goes through every car. Extensive test drives are performed by each member and then the vehicle is taken to our shop for further inspection. We then convene to bounce feedback off of each other about each vehicle, addressing any potential problems and then acting on the solution. This open line of communication is one of the unique advantages we have by being a smaller operation. Further, the fact that we test and repair problems on the vehicles we sell should not be misconstrued as a warranty of any kind - we do our best to repair any problems the vehicle might have, however these are used vehicles, and it is up to you, the buyer, to satisfy yourself as to the actual condition of the vehicle. The final burden of buyer diligence is on you, and we will do our best to assist you in any way we can.
Q:Can you tell me about the previous history of your vehicles?
A: While I will happily tell you everything that I know about a particular car, I might not always have the answers you are looking for. Our vehicles are mostly sourced from new car dealership trade-ins, though we do buy from individuals and accept trade-ins ourself. We work with dealers all over the United States and have a first hand pick at many of the vehicles that interest us. Many times this comes at a premium, but we feel a responsibility to deliver the quality vehicles our loyal clients expect from us.
Q:I want to stop by and check out one of your vehicles along with getting it inspected by my mechanic.
A: We welcome inspections of any kind, however, you will need to set up an exact time and date to view a vehicle. Due to the small size of our storefront operations, we many times have vehicles in covered storage offsite so we would need to ensure the vehicle was physically available for you. Additionally, we do not hold vehicles without a deposit.
Q:If I want to place a deposit on a vehicle to hold it, is it refundable?
A: Deposits are non-refundable, since our quality pre-owned vehicles are not easily stock-able items. For the majority of our vehicles, we charge a $500 deposit. That deposit will then be added as credit towards the balance of the final cost of the vehicle.
Q: I am out of state and cannot travel to pick up my vehicle. How would shipping work?
A: Our dealership staff has over 30 years of shipping experience and we work with a wide variety of nationwide shippers to deliver your car safely to you. This service is complimentary (aside from the actual cost of transport) Upon delivery of the vehicle you would then owe the driver the balance of whatever is owed for the transport of your new vehicle.
Q: How does the transaction process work?
A: As either the buy-it-now buyer or high winning bidder, we will get in touch with you to collect your information for processing. We then will email or fax you the documents necessary for purchase (Bill of Sale, Odometer Disclosure Statement, Agreement to Accept Delivery, Title Policy, Buyers Guide and Transaction Agreement). You will then print, sign and deliver these documents back to us along with our funding. Upon receipt of both funds and documents, you may either pick the vehicle up at our retail location in Memphis or elect to have the vehicle delivered to you for additional cost.
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Frequently Asked Questions......
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span.s1 {font-kerning: none}
Q:Do you offer financing on your vehicles?
A: No, we do not. However, we are more than willing to work with you to help you obtain financing from your credit union, bank or other lending institution. In some cases a vehicle may not be financeable due to age and/or mileage. If you are not sure where to start, I would be more than happy to assist you in the search for a local institution in your hometown that could do a deal for you. Please note that in many cases this does require a stellar credit bureau rating.
Q:I am interested in one of your vehicles, have you personally driven it? Have you had it checked or inspected?
A: Our entire team under most circumstances goes through every car. Extensive test drives are performed by each member and then the vehicle is taken to our shop for further inspection. We then convene to bounce feedback off of each other about each vehicle, addressing any potential problems and then acting on the solution. This open line of communication is one of the unique advantages we have by being a smaller operation. Further, the fact that we test and repair problems on the vehicles we sell should not be misconstrued as a warranty of any kind - we do our best to repair any problems the vehicle might have, however these are used vehicles, and it is up to you, the buyer, to satisfy yourself as to the actual condition of the vehicle. The final burden of buyer diligence is on you, and we will do our best to assist you in any way we can.
Q:Can you tell me about the previous history of your vehicles?
A: While I will happily tell you everything that I know about a particular car, I might not always have the answers you are looking for. Our vehicles are mostly sourced from new car dealership trade-ins, though we do buy from individuals and accept trade-ins ourself. We work with dealers all over the United States and have a first hand pick at many of the vehicles that interest us. Many times this comes at a premium, but we feel a responsibility to deliver the quality vehicles our loyal clients expect from us.
Q:I want to stop by and check out one of your vehicles along with getting it inspected by m mechanic.
A: We welcome inspections of any kind, however, you will need to set up an exact time and date to view a vehicle. Due to the small size of our storefront operations, we many times have vehicles in covered storage offsite so we would need to ensure the vehicle was physically available for you. Additionally, we do not hold vehicles without a deposit.
Q:If I want to place a deposit on a vehicle to hold it, is it refundable?
A: Deposits are non-refundable, since our quality pre-owned vehicles are not easily stock-able items. For the majority of our vehicles, we charge a $500 deposit. That deposit will then be added as credit towards the balance of the final cost of the vehicle.
Q: I am out of state and cannot travel to pick up my vehicle. How would shipping work?
A: Our dealership staff has over 30 years of shipping experience and we work with a wide variety of nationwide shippers to deliver your car safely to you. This service is complimentary (aside from the actual cost of transport) Upon delivery of the vehicle you would then owe the driver the balance of whatever is owed for the transport of your new vehicle.
Q: How does the transaction process work?
A: As either the buy-it-now buyer or high winning bidder, we will get in touch with you to collect your information for processing. We then will email or fax you the documents necessary for purchase (Bill of Sale, Odometer Disclosure Statement, Agreement to Accept Delivery, Title Policy, Buyers Guide and Transaction Agreement). You will then print, sign and deliver these documents back to us along with our funding. Upon receipt of both funds and documents, you may either pick the vehicle up at our retail location in Memphis or elect to have the vehicle delivered to you for additional cost.
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span.s1 {font-kerning: none}Contact us for more detailsphonephone Terms and Conditions Payment Options We accept the following payment methods:
- Cashier's Check/money order- Cash (in person)
Vehicle Pickup & Shipping All shipping charges are buyer's responsibility.
Finance, Warranty, Shipping question? Call the dealer at phone General Terms
By bidding on this vehicle or buying it now, you understand and agree to be bound by the following terms/conditions of sale.
Within 48 hours of auction close, winning bidder shall send 30% of purchase price. In addition to the winning bid price, you shall also pay an additional $495 documentation processing fee to Wolfchase Auto Sales, LLC. Payment shall be in the form of certified funds via FedEx or a bank wire transfer. The full balance is due within seven days or whenever the vehicle leaves dealership possession, whichever is soonest. We do not ship COD and I am a licensed dealer at Wolfchase Auto Sales, LLC out of Memphis, Tennessee.
Residents of Tennessee will be required to pay applicable taxes. Out of state customers are exempt from Tennessee taxes, but must comply with the local tax, registration and inspection regulations within their respective state.
I reserve the right to end this auction at any time at my discretion, as I see fit. The alert bidder will contact me.
All questions or concerns must be resolved prior to bidding. Our vehicles are sold as-is, without warranty. Do remember that this is a used car. The vehicle will not be perfect and you should expect defects and/or wear and tear appropriate from use and age. Prior to bidding you are more than welcome to drive and/or inspect the vehicle in person. Though we do our best to fully inspect our vehicles, do note that there are no implied nor expressed warranties on this vehicle. Extended warranties/service contracts may be available for purchase for a nominal fee, please inquire regarding pricing and availability prior to bidding.
Bid retractions are strictly prohibited, and violators will be met with negative feedback. Do ensure at this time that you are fully qualified to purchase as by bidding, you are entering a legally binding contract. Any non-producing bidder will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Winning the auction is not an opportunity to come and inspect this vehicle. All sales are final. No returns, refunds or exchanges will be issued.
In closing, this sale shall be governed by the laws and regulations of the State of Tennessee, County of Shelby and more specifically City of Memphis. Official venue of sale is Memphis, Tennessee.
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span.s1 {font-kerning: none} Fees and Taxes
All buyers shall be required to pay the following taxes/fees regardless of residency:
- Document Fee $495.00
- Temporary License Plate/Registration: $14.75
Additionally,residents of Tennesseeshall also be required to pay applicable taxes on top of the purchase price as follows:
- State Sales Tax: 7.00%
- State Single Article Tax: 2.75%
- Local Option Tax: 2.25%
- Business Tax: 0.30%
Out of state customers are exempt from Tennessee taxes, but must comply with the local tax, registration and inspection regulations within their respective state. Customers electing to purchase a service contract will pay anadditional9.25% tax on the price of the service contract. For any additional information, please contact us.
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