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Visit classifieds board Store
phonephone617181920of20 Full size photos Full size photos 1966 Alumacraft
Stock #: 081121
Exterior Color: white
Interior Color: White
Fuel Type: gas
Mileage: 0 This restored 1966 Alumacraft classic, came from Wisconsin and has never seen salt water. The boat was in perfect condition before it was painted with Awlgrip. No dents ,corrosion or scratches.The vintage trailer has new paint and new tires. The Merc 400 engine has good compression, but may need the carb cleaned, its been setting for awhile. The boat does not have a fuel tank, battery or controls, what you see is what you get. The seats and interior carpet are new as well as the rub rail. I do not have time to finnish it but all the hard work is done. Call for more info phone Its located in NE Florida.
Vehicle Description This restored 1966 Alumacraft classic, came from Wisconsin and has never seen salt water. The boat was in perfect condition before it was painted with Awlgrip. No dents ,corrosion or scratches.The vintage trailer has new paint and new tires. The Merc 400 engine has good compression, but may need the carb cleaned, its been setting for awhile. The boat does not have a fuel tank, battery or controls, what you see is what you get. The seats and interior carpet are new as well as the rub rail. I do not have time to finnish it but all the hard work is done. Call for more info phone Its located in NE Florida. Vehicle Warranty
Most new vehicles come with a factory warranty and some used vehicles have a remaining factory warranty. Please contact us for the warranty details specific to this vehicle.
About Jeepster Jim
Welcome to JeepsterJim, We are a full service, complete restoration facility. We restore classic cars for clients and museums all over the world. All work is done in our 30,000 square foot facility that is located in Northeast Florida. We usually have 20-30 carefully selected classic cars for sale. We are not a consignment dealer, we own all of our cars. We are very careful what we buy and only select the best. Please call me personally if you have any questions about the car we have for sale. phone We invite you to come out some time and tour the facility or call to learn more about what we do here at Jeepster Jim. www.jeepsterjim.com
Welcome to JeepsterJim, We are a full service, complete restoration facility. We restore classic cars for clients and museums all over the world. All work is done in our 30,000 square foot facility that is located in Northeast Florida. We usually have 20-30 carefully selected classic cars for sale. We are not a consignment dealer, we own all of our cars. We are very careful what we buy and only select the best. Please call me personally if you have any questions about the car we have for sale. phone We invite you to come out some time and tour the facility or call to learn more about what we do here at Jeepster Jim. www.jeepsterjim.com
Contact us for more detailsphonephone Terms and Conditions Payment Options We accept the following payment methods:
- Cashier's Check/money order- Loan check from classifieds board Financing Center- Cash (in person)- Personal check (once cleared)
Vehicle Pickup & Shipping All shipping charges are buyer's responsibility.
Finance, Warranty, Shipping question? Call the dealer at phone General Terms
Notice to Bidders: The vehicles we list for sale at classifieds board are also for sale at our retail location. Please contact us to confirm vehicle availability. We reserve the right to end an auction early. We require a $500 deposit within 48 hours of winning the auction. Please call to make arrangements for payment. We accept the following forms of payment: Cash in person, certified funds, institutional financing, and wire transfer. All sales transactions must be completed within 7 calendar days of auction close. We describe our vehicles the best we can, and try to call it like it is. Please call for info or specfic requests, and we will be happy to help. And by the way , all it takes is a phone call and the car can be yours. phone
Fees and Taxes
State or local taxes, title, license fees, are the resposibility of the buyer.
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